I head to the ladies’ room and check in with Crew.

I still can’t believe I’m in a place that’s so fancy and high-profile. My nerves are on edge, so before I head into the main hall where the gala is being held, I go to the bar in the lobby area and order another cosmo.

As I look around, I take in how everyone is dressed. They are all so beautiful and handsome. Flynn walks up to me and rubs my back.

“How are you doing, honey?” she asks.

I blow out a breath. “Feeling a little overwhelmed.”

“I get that. It’s a lot to take in. Wait until you hear the survivors tell their stories. I think almost everyone here will be in tears.”

“I’m sure, but it’s so great your family does this to bring awareness. I think of Liam and the horrible accident he had. He’s lucky to be alive.”

“He is,” she agrees. And when she looks off to the side, she says, “Oh, Devon. You made it.”

I take in the dark-skinned man. He’s handsome with chiseled cheekbones and a jawline I’m sure has a lot of ladies drooling over him.

“You know I wouldn’t miss this event,” he says, pecking her cheek.

“Thank you for supporting,” Flynn replies.

“I’m a victim. We both know what drinking and driving did to me,” he says, looking down at his cane.

I realize he is the man who was driving the car when the truck hit his Ferrari. He was in the accident with Liam. I should be introduced to this man who is important to the man I love.

“Devon, this is Skylar,” Flynn says. “She’s a good friend of my daughter, Patty.”

“Nice to meet you,” Devon says.

I shake his hand, but my stomach sinks. Liam tried to convince me to come to this gala on his arm as his date. He wanted his partner to be with him were his words. I let my fear rule my life, and now we are here apart. I can’t even be introduced to the people in his life as his girlfriend because of my fears, and it makes me feel terrible.

Suddenly, Liam walks up to us. “Devon, bro,” he greets, and he’s hugging his friend.

They begin to talk, and he watches me out of the corner of his eye. I feel like he wants to introduce me as his girlfriend. I remember him telling me about the accident and how it was me he was thinking about. It makes my heart ache. I’m also aware Devon must know about Liam’s epiphany. I wonder if he told him my name. Flynn says she has to go say hi to someone, and I take my cosmo and walk away.

My stomach is turning as I enter the hall.

“There you are,” Patty says. “Sorry I left you alone there for a bit. There are so many people I need to say hi to.”

“It’s totally fine,” I assure my friend.

We find our table and take a seat. Kevin is already seated talking to Evan, who I recognize as Liam’s neighbor.

“Hi.” Evan waves. He puts his finger to his mouth. “Skylar, right?”

“Yes.” I nod and smile. “Nice to see you again.”

“You too,” he says.

We all take a seat, and speeches are given by some of the people from Mothers Against Drunk Driving. Everyone is quiet as the opening begins.

There is a break from the speeches when the appetizers are served, so I get up and whisper to Patty I am going to the ladies’ room. I’m two cosmos in, but I’m feeling tipsy because I’m such a lightweight.

I head over to the ladies’ room to relieve my bladder. I wash my hands and check my lipstick. I still don’t recognize the girl in the mirror staring back at me with the professional makeup, hair, and designer dress.

I smile and exit the bathroom to see Liam standing there in all his glory. He looks sinful in his tux with his hands tucked in his pockets.

“I wanted to make sure you were okay. I thought this whole crowd might be overwhelming,” he says.