“Thanks,” she replies. “Don’t you clean up nice? And look at you, Patty. This girl always looks runway ready.”

Patty scoffs.

“It’s true. She rolls out of bed and looks good,” I agree.

Rebel turns to look at Wolfe, who is talking to a group of men.

“Come, let’s go find champagne. I don’t get out often, we need to have some fun,” Rebel declares.

We walk up to a bar, and Patty orders a cosmo.

“Ooh, I want one of those, but the doc told me to stick with one glass of wine because of the breastfeeding.” Rebel sighs.

“I remember those days,” I reply. “Although I didn’t go out at all, so drinking wasn’t an issue.”

“Lol,” Patty says.

Rebel orders her a glass of red, and I order a cosmo like Patty. I’ve never had one before, but the bar is free, so I figure it’s a good night to try one.

We clink glasses when Rebel’s blue eyes widen, and she shrieks. “You guys, Paris is here. She’s one of my best friends, you have to meet her.”

We walk over to a couple who Rebel introduces as Paris and Ryse. Paris looks very pregnant. After Rebel hugs her and gushes over her belly, she turns to introduce Patty and me.

“I didn’t realize you guys were coming,” Rebel says to Paris.

“I didn’t either,” Paris replies. “Ryse spoke to Liam, and he convinced him to come. I have so much schoolwork to do, but I figured it was a good cause and a chance to see you guys.”

“Are you sitting at our table?” Rebel asks her.

Paris shakes her head. “Your table was full.”

“Darn,” Rebel pouts, sounding disappointed.

Then Rebel explains to Paris that Patty is the daughter of Wolfe’s coach. She introduces me as Patty’s friend. I realize Liam went to Westfall with these people, and they are his friends. It makes me feel weird that I’m not introduced as his other half, but this is the way it has to be, and I appreciate Rebel is being discreet.

“So when are you due?” Rebel asks Paris.

Her tummy looks full and round, and she’s wearing a tight-fitting gown that looks totally sexy on her.

“June.” Paris grins, and she has a glow about her. It reminds me of when I was pregnant with Crew. I was terrified about how my life was changing, but having a life growing inside me gave me hope.

“Ryse and Paris started dating in undergrad,” Rebel explains.

“Yeah, we were best friends first,” Paris says. “I was a single mom, and well, he literally swept me off my feet.”

“Nice,” I say. “Is this your second?” I ask, looking at her belly.

“Yes,” she beams, rubbing her belly. “There’s going to be a big age gap between this little one and my son, who’s in high school right now. I waited to get my PhD,” Paris explains.

“I left school when I had my son,” I say. “I’m hoping to get back eventually.”

“You definitely should. I went back to college as a mature student, and it was the best thing I did. Well, except for marrying this guy,” Paris says, taking hold of Ryse’s arm.

He smiles down at her warmly.

“Excuse me,” Patty interrupts. “I see someone I need to say hi to.”

“I’m so happy you guys made it,” Rebel says to her friend. They start talking about Paris’s sister, and I excuse myself too since the conversation seems to be over. I find Paris’s story to be inspirational.