“This is definitely a good choice,” I say to my son, and I grab his size.
I walk over to the adult pajama section, holding Crew’s hand since it’s super busy in the shop. Liam walks beside us.
“I think I’d prefer a nightshirt,” I say. “But if we are watching a movie, then maybe I need a pair of pants.”
“What about this?” Liam asks from behind us. He’s holding up a tank top nightie with Mirabel, the protagonist, on it. He’s also holding a pair of gray jogging pants.
“That works,” I say. “Thanks.”
“I think Liam should get pajamas too, so he won’t feel left out,” Crew suddenly adds.
“Oh, honey, I don’t think Liam—”
“I’d love to,” Liam cuts me off. “Thanks for thinking of me, buddy.”
“Do they even make pj’s your size?” I joke.
We find an XXL of a two-piece pajama that is a waffle shirt and waffle pants with a big picture of Bruno on the front of the shirt.
“I think that may be too big for me,” Liam says, placing it back on the rack. I think he’s chickening out on wearing the pajamas when he says, “This will be much better.”
He takes the large, and we head to the cashier.
Liam pays, and then we head back out to his SUV.
“Do you live far away?” Crew asks him.
“No, we should be home in about ten minutes if traffic isn’t too bad,” Liam says.
“Good because I’m hungry,” Crew states.
I look over at Liam, wondering what he’s thinking. I know he hasn’t been with anyone in a long time, but I don’t know that he completely understands what he’s signing up for with a single mom. My life is all about Crew. My needs are secondary.
“What are you in the mood to eat?” Liam asks Crew.
“Pizza,” Crew answers.
“We had pizza for lunch,” I remind my son.
“I want pizza again,” Crew whines. He’s getting sleepy and hungry.
“There’s a lot of good options we can order in,” Liam cuts in. “There’s a great fusion place I order from, or a really good Mediterranean place that makes the best chicken shish kebobs.”
“Shishka what?” Crew asks.
“Sorry. Those aren’t very kid friendly.” Liam winces.
“He likes Chinese food or Italian,” I suggest to Liam.
“Would they have breadsticks?” Crew asks from the back seat.
“We’ve been to Olive Garden for special occasions one too many times,” I explain dryly.
“We can do something like that.” Liam nods.
We head over to his apartment and park underground.
Then we head up to Liam’s apartment.