When we get off the elevator, we follow Liam to his door carrying ourEncantobags.

“Bro,” a guy says to Liam and fist bumps him. “You having a little party?” He looks over at Crew and me.

“This is Skylar and her son, Crew,” Liam introduces. “We’re having a pajama party.”

The guy gives Liam a crooked grin.

“This is Evan, guys. He’s my neighbor, but he’s also an old friend. We went to college together, and he’s on my team,” Liam explains.

“Ooh, I’d love to hear about Liam’s college days,” I joke.

“I’d be happy to share.” Evan laughs and winks at Liam.

“Over my dead body.” Liam snickers. “Have a good night, Evan.”

“You too, bro,” Evan says.

“It was nice to meet you,” I say to Evan.

“You too.” He smiles, then he looks down at Crew. “And nice to meet you too, little man.”

“Nice to meet you,” Crew answers just like I taught him to, and pride bursts from my chest.

“You all have a good night. I know I will.” Evan laughs, and then he winks at Liam and walks off.

We reach Liam’s apartment door and head inside. Crew wrestles his boots off and throws his jacket on the floor.

“You come back here and straighten those boots and ask Liam where we should put your jacket,” I direct. I get he’s super excited, but manners never hurt anyone.

“I’ll take the coat,” Liam says, and he hangs it for Crew in the closet.

I eye my son, and it’s enough for him to know what I want. “Thank you,” Crew says sweetly.

“You’re welcome,” Liam replies.

We get settled in, and Liam shows Crew around the apartment. My son is running in circles he’s so excited.

“I’ll show you the guest room,” he says to Crew.

I follow them to see the room since I haven’t seen it either.

It has a queen bed with a plush white comforter and black throw pillows in the center. Two night tables and a black wood dresser are across from the bed.

“It has its own washroom through here,” Liam explains, opening the bathroom door. The bathroom has an oversized tub next to the shower.

“Mommy, look, we can swim in here,” Crew declares.

Both Liam and I burst into laughter.

“How about I give you a bath, and we change into pajamas?” I ask my son.

“You guys go ahead. There are towels in the cabinets. I’ll order some food. We said we wanted Olive Garden, right?” Liam asks.

“Thanks, Liam,” I say.

“Tell me what you eat there,” Liam prods.

“I want spaghetti with tomato sauce and breadsticks, please,” Crew says.