“You aren’t. I saw Carter that day,” she confesses.

“And you knew who he was?” I ask.

She nods. “When you burst into tears and told me you were pregnant, I assumed that prick had something to do with it, but I don’t want you worrying about him. He hasn’t made contact in like six years. He isn’t going to come out of nowhere.”

“Logically, I know you’re right.” I exhale. She’s right. Carter isn’t a threat. I just need to get used to the fact Crew is good at hockey, and he’s having the time of his life.

“Okay. I feel bad we’ve left Rebel waiting. Thanks, Patty.” I look at her and take another breath. I can’t count the number of times this woman has had my back.

“It’s nothing.” She shrugs me off in true Patty fashion. “So sorry,” I say to Rebel.

“Is everything okay?” she asks with concern.

“It’s just me trying to get used to my little boy growing up,” I admit.

She gives me a thoughtful smile. “I get it. And they grow so fast.”

“Crew would love to come over. Should I go out to the car to bring his booster seat?”

“No worries, I have an extra in my car,” she says. “In case of playdates.”

“Thanks.” I smile.

“And don’t worry, I’ll give him lunch and send you updates. I get nervous too when Liam goes on a playdate, they’re so small.”

“Thanks for saying that.” I exhale.

I give my son a big hug, and then he and little Liam pretend to have a sword fight as we walk to the parking lot with Rebel and her nanny.

The baby starts to cry, and Rebel hushes her. “I’ll need to feed her when I get in the car. I’m breastfeeding,” she explains.

I nod. “Thanks again for having Crew over.”

Patty and I head back to her car.

“We’re going to a restaurant to eat something,” Patty says.

“I look like a slob and hate walking with this thing.” I point at my walking cast.

“Don’t fight me. We’re going out. I had wild sex last night, and I’m starving.” She grins.

I laugh, and we get in the car.



I’ve been out of town for almost a week, and the first thing I do when I get back to town is knock on Skylar’s door. She sounded off all week. I can’t pinpoint why though, and when I called her on it, she wouldn’t say.

“Hey,” she answers the door with a yawn. She’s wearing baggy joggers and an oversized sweatshirt that hide her sexy figure.

“Hey, you.” I take a step inside her apartment and wrap my arms around her, then I dip my head and go in for a kiss, but she keeps it more PG than I’d like. “Is Crew awake?”

“No, he’s asleep, but he can wake up. I don’t want him sneaking up on us,” she says. “Come in.”

She takes a step back, and I take off my jacket and boots.

We head over to the couch to sit. “Do you want something to drink? Are you hungry?” she asks.