“Nah, I’m good. Thanks. I grabbed a bite to eat with the guys when we got in,” I reply. “I just wanted to see you.”

She smiles and leans into me, wrapping her arms around my middle.

“How were the games this week?” she asks.

“So you didn’t watch any?” I quirk up my lip on one side.

She shakes her head. “Sorry.”

“We won some and lost some. Overall, we’re ranked pretty well,” I say, watching her carefully.

“What’s going on, Sky?”

“What do you mean?” she asks.

“I don’t know, you sounded off this week. More tired maybe?”

“Not tired. Just fed up with not being able to work. It’s not like I have a bank account full of cash. It’s making me anxious.”

“You know if you need some money I can help out,” I offer.

“Liam, you know I’m not going to take your money. I’m just venting about my situation,” she declares. “It sucks and I want to get back to work.”

“Well, you only have a couple more weeks to go. Even though you may want to take it easy and do some physical therapy for your leg after the cast comes off.”

“Patty said she’ll give me exercises and treatments once this thing comes off,” she relays.

“Good,” I say and then I pinch my lips together.

“You look like you wanted to say something,” she prods.

“Is it weird we can read each other?” I ask, watching her. It feels good to just sit here and talk, even though I’d also love to take her back to my place and have lots of sex.

“No, not really. We were together a long time in high school. I don’t think the fundamentals of who we are have changed,” she states. Then she pokes my abdomen. “So that means you were contemplating something when you asked that question. What’s on your mind Bozeman?” she laughs.

“Nothing about me. I was just going to ask how Crew’s hockey game went,” I say.

“It was great. He’s loving being a part of the team. He had a playdate with little Liam after they played on Sunday. He went home with Rebel,” she says and then she’s tilting her head to the side and eyeing me weirdly. “Did Rebel mention something to you?” she asks with suspicion.

No point in lying.

“She mentioned to Wolfe you got super anxious about the playdate. She said she was worried you were going to faint or something. She was just concerned, and Wolfe knows we’re together. He passed on the info because he cares. I don’t want you to think they are the type of people who stick their noses places it doesn’t belong.”

Skylar pulls away and she covers her mouth. “I’m so embarrassed. I thought I hid my panic well, and Patty pulled me to the side and calmed me down. I didn’t think Rebel noticed or at least she acted like she didn’t.”

She shifts in her seat and leans her elbows on her knees as her hands support her head which hangs low.

“What happened?” I reach over and massage her neck. “You know you can tell me anything and I won’t judge. You saw me at my worst after David died.”

She blows out a breath and lifts her head. “I was freaking out about Crew going over to Wolfe’s house. I had some crazy notion he may be friends with Carter and somehow Carter would be there and want my son. I realize I was being irrational, but I have this need to protect Crew.”

“And you’re terrified of Carter,” I say dryly, not liking the sound of my own words.

She nods.

“Is there something you’re not telling me about Carter?” I ask.

She bites her lip and rises from the couch. “He didn’t hit me. I know that’s what you’re worried about, but he never really laid a hand on me.”