I’m finally wheeled into the X-ray area. The attendant touches my ankle to set it right against the X-ray machine so he can get the proper angles, and I scream from the pain.

After I’m brought to an exam room to wait for the doctor.

My phone pings with a message.

Liam: I hope you decided to come to me after work. I’m back in town. No pressure.

Oh dear. Funny he says no pressure now because he was sure laying it on thick during our last call. A part of me wanted to throw caution to the wind and have a wild night with Liam, but another part of me remembered the young girl with her shattered heart, and I knew I wasn’t ready to take that step just yet. Liam clearly has changed, but he’ll have to prove himself first.

Me:I’m kind of detained right now.

Liam:Are you still at work? Not sure I understand what you mean.

Me:I’m at the hospital. I think I broke my ankle.

Liam:Which hospital?

Me:You aren’t coming here.

Liam:Don’t be difficult. Tell me which hospital or I’ll go to every hospital I know to hunt you down.

My stomach flips at the thought of him hunting me down, which is insane.

Me:Brooklyn Hospital Center, but you really don’t need to come.

A doctor walks up to my examination room. He’s holding a clipboard. “Ms. Ward?”

“Yes, that’s me.”

He smiles. “I’m Dr. Richardson. I’ve taken a look at your X-rays. You have a fracture and a break in your ankle. You will need a plaster cast for a minimum of one week, and then we should be able to transition to a walking cast for five to six weeks,” he explains. “But that doesn’t mean you should be walking around a lot with it. The more you rest the foot, the faster it will heal.”

“Doctor, I’m a server. I can’t not work for seven weeks,” I say, feeling frantic. The times I can’t work because I’m sick are bad enough, but this is long term. I don’t have that kind of savings to hold me over. A wave of nausea washes over me.

The doctor looks at his clipboard. “This is a work related injury.”

“My employer said workers’ compensation would kick in, but it doesn’t cover all my lost wages.” I frown.

“I’m sorry. This is a difficult situation but the more you stay off your ankle the faster it will heal,” the doctor replies.

“Sir, you can’t go back there,” a woman calls out.

“Skylar?” It’s Liam’s voice. “Are you decent?” he asks from the other side of the curtain.

My stomach dips as the doctor gives me a questioning look.

“Yes,” I say, and then Liam whips the curtain open. “Is she okay, Doctor?”

The doctor blinks three times. “Are you her husband?”

“Yes,” Liam answers.

I give him a crooked grin.What the hell is his angle?

“Ms. Ward, do you give me permission to share your medical results with. . . I know you,” the doctor says to Liam. “I’m a huge fan.”

Liam shakes the doctor’s hand. “Thanks, Doc. How is my girl?”

His girl?