“You can share,” I say to the doctor, feeling stunned.

The doctor gives Liam a rundown of what he just told me.

“So if you don’t have any questions, then I can send the nurse to take you for the cast,” he says.

“Is there any way of speeding up the healing process?” I ask panicked.

“Resting,” the doctor replies. Then he looks at Liam. “Great to meet you.”

“You too.” Liam smiles wide.

A moment later a nurse comes to wheel me over to the casting room.

As the nurse pushes my wheelchair, Liam asks how the accident happened, and I tell him the story.

“You’re overworked. I’m going to take care of you, Skylar.”

“That’s not necessary,” I assure him.

With the cast on, I’m given a pair of crutches to use for the week. It covers my entire foot and rises up just to below my knee area. It’s going to make bathing very difficult. Since our apartment has a small bath and shower that are connected.

Once I have my cast on, I’m released from the hospital. Liam offers to drive me home. I didn’t call Patty because I didn’t want to worry her, and I’m not expected home for another hour anyway.

“I should get you something to eat,” Liam says as he leaves the hospital parking lot.

“I just want a shower and my bed,” I say. Then I realize that won’t be possible with my cast. “Or a bath.”

“You need to eat, Sky. I know you’re used to taking care of yourself and Crew, but let me help. I want to,” he says. “I’ll Uber some food to your apartment so we don’t have to stop. What are you in the mood for?”

“I made dinner last night, so I have food ready back at the apartment,” I explain. “I made plenty, so you should come up and eat too.”

“Thanks,” Liam says, and he frowns. “I’m in town for the next few days. My days are pretty freed up except for training and practices. I can help you out with Crew.”

“Thanks, Liam. It’s nice of you to offer, but I’m sure Patty will just drop him at kindergarten. He’s in a full-day program.”

The rest of the drive is quiet, and when we get to my apartment, I show him where the guest parking is so he doesn’t have to park out on the street. The roads are covered in snow, and it would be easier for me to enter the building from the underground parking with my crutches.

When we get to the door, Patty gasps, and Crew runs up to me.

“Mommy, what happened to your leg?” Crew asks.

“I broke it. Mommy is going to have to wear a cast,” I explain to my son. He gives me a strong hug. He’s the only constant I’ve ever had in my life. I know with Crew our love is unconditional for each other, no matter what.

I shrug off my coat. And Patty takes it from me.

I tell her what happened at work with the fall and then the hospital.

“You should’ve called me,” she says.

“I knew you were with Crew. I didn’t want to disrupt what you guys had planned,” I say.

“He ate his dinner well,” she reports. He always eats good when he’s with her.

“Thanks, Pats.”

“Come in,” I invite to Liam.

“I can take your coat,” Crew offers Liam.