Page 30 of Baiting the Alien

He shrugs. “Five galaxies aren’t that small when it comes to having a shared language, but that has been promoted for years. Most traders know that. When it comes to traveling, five-galaxies isn’t that bad. We use portals most of the time, so distance can feel different.”

I nod, though I don’t grasp everything.

We go to the section with clothes that will probably fit me.

We turn the corner to see a winged male sitting on a tall stool. His wings are like bat wings. It will be pretty cool if he can fly with those. He has a red t-shirt on him with the logo of the shop. He gives us a nod.

Iechon points at me and says something. That winged male gets off the stool and pulls a measuring tape out of his pocket. He measures my height and points at the aisles behind him, saying something that probably is the instruction for which side to look at.

Iechon nods and we head to that side. After we are a few steps away, he says, “He says they don’t have a lot of selection for your size, but maybe you can fit into the smaller sizes that are for larger species.”

“I think it isn’t easy to have a clothing shop when there will be a lot of different needs.”

“Agreed. But maybe this space station is busy enough for them to stock some of everything.”

We arrive at the row of clothes and I scan through them. There is a beep from Iechon’s phone. He scowls and pulls it to check. He squeezes my shoulder. “I’ll be back soon.”

He picks up the call and hurries his way to the exit of the shop. Maybe it is something urgent. I can only hope it isn’t something bad.

I stare at the racks of clothes again. It will be a lot more fun if I’m back on the beach with my beer. I also miss my phone. If I tell my friends I’m here with an alien, they will probably laugh at me.

“Hey, miss.”

I turn around to two large blue males. They are humanoid like me, but they are clearly not human. “Yes? Are you talking to me?” I think they are, otherwise, they will probably use some other language.

The two of them exchange a glance. “We’ve found some clothes that may suit you. Come with us.”

I scowl and shake my head. “I’m fine. Thank you, but I will start here.”

One of them lifts an eyebrow. “We saw you with that green one. Are you in danger?”

Oh... Are they here trying to help?

Will they bring me back to Earth if I ask for help?

My heart races as blood rushes to my head. Iechon isn’t around. If I’m looking to flee and get back to my life, maybe this is the only chance I will get.


The two of them scowl. “Yes or no? It looks like you don’t speak the language here, so... Did he capture you?”

I shake my head even when Iechon did take me from the beach. “Stop bothering me.”

They make a move, but before I can run, one of them punches me in the gut while the other covers my mouth.

I kick at them when they hiss. “Bitch, stop it.”

An electric shock runs through me like the first time Iechon tried to capture me. Strength leaves me even though I try my best to struggle. They are taller than me and a lot stronger.

Where is Iechon?

Chapter 12



I put my phone back into my pocket, letting out a breath. If only no one bothers me. I wish I didn’t have to take the call, but that’s an important client and I can’t risk losing the relationship with them.