Page 29 of Baiting the Alien

Oh... “But these are interesting rocks.”

“And tasty,” says the large boulder shopkeeper. “Though... I don’t think your specie will enjoy these.”

Um... Tasty...? “These are snacks for you?”

He nods. “Yes. Not many understand us, but we are special the way we are.” He picks up a block with black rock and red crystal infused. “This is what I pride myself with. Sweet with a dash of spiciness. I’ve always wished to share the joy of it with other species, but that won’t happen.”

This is... interesting...

Iechon squeezes my hand again as he nods to the shopkeeper. “Thank you for introducing us to your food. I will be sure to let your kind know of your store when I run into them.”

The huge boulder smiles and nods, putting the block back into the basket.

We walk away, dodging a few spiky beings. I say, “Do you get scared or worried when you run into species that you don’t even know existed? It is impossible to know every species.”

“When I started traveling, sometimes, some of them are concerning, but once you get used to seeing different species, it gets better.” He eyes me up and down. “But maybe if you are larger, you can feel safer around others. No worries, I will be here with you and no one gets to hurt you.”

I nod. I don’t doubt him when he holds me tightly and keeps me by his side. “Will there be other humans?”

He looks around. “I have no idea. There aren’t a lot of humans around here. There are a few planets with more of them outside of Earth, but as a whole, humans are rare.”

“Why? Are kuqnils rare?”

“I’m not sure about the reason. Kuqnils aren’t that rare in this part of the galaxy.”

I have no idea whether he is right, but there is another kuqnil on the other side of the aisle and it seems like Iechon doesn’t know her.

Iechon points at a shop behind the stalls. “That looks like a clothing shop. Maybe we can get you something.”

“Sure.” I’m not a big fan of looking at clothes. Whatever lets me move around freely is good for me. But if he wants to get me something, I guess we can take a look.

It is a shop with bright lights. There are rows and rows of clothes. There are quite a few already here look around. There is soft and cheerful music in the background, but I don’t recognize the instruments. Anyway, it is good music and I’m not picky.

I lift a hanger to check out the trousers. It feels like a pair of jeans, but it is lighter than it looks. I flip it to the back. There is a hole where my ass will go.

Iechon chuckles. “Looks like these are for beings with a tail.”

Hmm... Looks like it.

I don’t have a tail and I have no interest in showing off my panties for others to see. I put the hanger back on the rack and continue down the aisles. Iechon puts a hat or two on himself, staring at the mirror.

“You look pretty good with this one.” I hand him one that’s a lighter shade of green but shaped with horns to the side.

He tries it on. “You like horns?” There is a light frown on his face. If I say that I do, maybe he will try to grow horns just to please me. He probably won’t, maybe I’m thinking too highly of myself, but...

I shake my head. “Horns are fine, but no horns is fine too. It is easier to snuggle without horns.”

“Right?” He grins and returns the hat to the rack. It is a tall rack, taller than me, with some hats I can’t even reach.

I look up at the signs that are hanging from the ceiling. The shop is divided into sections with clothes that will fit different species according to their features. There are icons on the signs, making it easy to understand.

Some clothes are designed for someone with a tail, some for wings, and some... There is a huge rock symbol, maybe those are for the large boulder beings. There are words on the signs, but I don’t know the language.

I point at that and ask Iechon, “Do you know those words? I don’t see them offering more options in terms of language.”

He follows my fingers and nods. “It says, if you have any specifications, let the shopkeepers know. That’s a pretty common language here, maybe within five galaxies.”

“Oh...” Five galaxies sound like a lot, but from the way he talks about it...