Page 40 of Baiting the Alien

The star of this planet shines almost the same way as the sun does for Earth. Iechon told me the name, but I didn’t remember it. Who cares what that is called, anyway? It feels like the sun and acts like that, so the sun it shall be.

I take a sip of my beer, letting the cool and slightly bitter liquid run down my throat. I lift my sunglasses for a moment to watch the sea. With the rise and fall of the waves, I think I can spend the whole day here.


I turn around to Iechon. He is also sitting on a beach chair, just like me. He is half-naked without the cape. It is too hot to be in one of those. With his sculpted muscles, he makes for a great view too; which makes it hard to decide whether watching him or the sea is better.


He lifts a can of beer from the cooler. “Why do humans like these?”

“Kuqnils don’t drink anything with alcohol?”

He stares at the can. “This is different. There are so many bubbles.”

I snort a laugh, almost dropping my can. “You are crazy. Learn to enjoy life.”

He takes another sip. “Sure.”

I let out a breath and reach for his hand. He holds mine with his huge hand. There is no better time than spending my day here with him, my mate.

There is a fire simmering inside me. That happens all the time when he is around. I can feel his presence better than I can feel anyone else’s. I think it has to do with the mate bond. For now, he is confused, but still in a good mood.

He puts down the can and gives my hand a squeeze. “What are we doing today?”

Huh? “What do you mean?”

He frowns at the sea and lifts his sunglasses to watch it. “Are we going to spend the whole day here, staring at the water?”

“That’s called a vacation.”

There are shouts. We turn to look, only to see a few kids of all species chasing a red inflatable ball. Maybe nothing is very different from Earth after all. Kids are still kids.

I smile, watching a kid tackle another. One of them has horns. I don’t even know what species they are. I only know that they aren’t human and also aren’t kuqnils.


I turn to Iechon again. “What were we talking about?”

He sighs. “What’s the plan for today?”

“Well, sit around and enjoy life.”

“Staring at the sea and sipping bubbly drinks all day.”

I stroke his arm and laugh. “I suppose that’s another way to describe that.”

“This is what you were doing before I sent my kuqnils to get you on my spaceship.”

I nod. “Yes, and this is what I mean when I told you to repay me with the vacation I was trying to enjoy.”

“I thought it will be fun.”

“I think this is pretty fun.”

If we were on Earth, he couldn’t be here with me. He can’t be walking around as a green alien. He will scare the kids and we will get into trouble. Worse trouble than if he gets caught kidnapping me from the beach.

He scowls. “Maybe I shouldn’t tell you there is a beach here.”