“How selfish. What else should we be doing? I think we should celebrate the success.”
He grins. “I think we should. We can always celebrate.” He lifts his can, so I toast with him. We both take a sip of the beer. He still frowns, but I think he will learn to appreciate a good beer soon. We went back to Earth to get those, after all. So those are the original ones.
“Iechon, I have no idea you run a business like that. A security business?”
He shakes his head while I frown. We just helped a group of traders through an area that is said to be filled with space pirates. So...
He says, “I do whatever my clients want me to do and pay me to do. As long as I can make myself do those. So I don’t have a fixed structure and no fixed line of work.”
“I see.”
His gaze travels from my face to my t-shirt. I suppose I should wear a bikini, but... He pokes at my stomach. “I like this t-shirt.”
I glance at the cartoon dinosaur with a wide smile. “I like it too. Still don’t think it is designed with my specie in mind.”
“Well, it fits you well.”
It does. I hold the edge of it and lift part of it. His eyes are glued to my bare stomach at once. I roll my eyes. “Come on, I’m just trying to get a better look at it.”
He groans when I put the edge down. “You have had it for so long that I’m sure you know how it looks.”
“It’s the first thing you gifted me.”
He takes a sip of his beer. There is a faint red on his cheek. For his green skin, he is blushing hard.
I narrow my eyes on him. “It’s okay. I know you didn’t buy it.”
He clears his throat. “I didn’t buy it, but I earned it in a way.”
I roll closer to him. The armrest of the beach chair doesn’t make it easy for me to hug him, but I try my best. “Thank you. I will treasure this t-shirt.”
“I know you like cartoon dino... dino… lizard.”
He is so cute at times.
“This t-shirt will remind me how you smashed two blue males to save me.”
He squeezes a smile. I hope he still remembers how it isn’t his fault and I’m grateful to be here with him. I squeeze his thigh. “We will spend the day here, just to enjoy the sun and the sea.”
“Sit here and do nothing.”
“Are you here to spoil my mood?”
He grunts and murmurs something under his breath.
I wink. “And maybe after that, we will have something fun for you.”
He glares at me. “You enjoy being a little brat.”
I scowl in a dramatic way. “Mind your language, filthy kuqnil. There are kids around us.”
He rests his thumb on my throat. “That doesn’t seem to bother you when you were in that bikini with that much boobs showing.”
“You are crazy.”
His touch lights a fire inside me again. How annoying when I’m trying to enjoy my day on a nice beach.