The queen’s face brightened. She was practically radiating her approval. “Mother, why are you smiling so much?”
“Oh, well, it’s nothing… really.” The queen waved her hands like Aironell was being ridiculous. “I am pleased with your choice. Alzerion will definitely keep you safe.” She took another sip of her tea.
“I know he will, but that’s not the only reason why I want him to go.” Aironell squirmed in her seat. Her ears had to be pink, bright, fluorescent—pink.
“What other reason do you have?” Her mother laughed, just for a moment.
Aironell felt like the queen’s gaze softened. Thankfully.Whew. Could she sense her deepest truths?
“He asked me to go with him, and I want to go.” Aironell clutched the arms of the chair like her life depended on its softness to keep her from falling. She forced her mouth closed. She couldn’t believe it just poured right out.
“Aironell,” the queen’s voice did not sound angry but pleasant—soft, almost. The queen leaned closer to Aironell and held her hands. Aironell breathed out. “Darling, I understand but…”
Aironell stopped at but.But what? What could be wrong? He wasn’t just in the Royal Army, he was in charge. She couldn’t be in better hands.Ugh… his hands. No.No. NO. She needed to focus.
“Aironell are you alright?” Her mother’s left eyebrow rose ever so slightly, as her lips parted.
“I’m fine. Promise.” She sensed the queen looking for any doubts or any traces of something more. Well she wasn’t going to give her any— no reason for her mother to keep her home.
“Aironell,” the queen spoke in this warm tone. She noticed that her mother grinned so wide, that it could have matched her bright eyes. “I don’t want to overstep but how do you feel about Alzerion?”
Aironell tightened her grip on the chair. She refrained from denying anything. She opened her mouth but then immediately closed it. She didn’t want to come off like a stammering fool. “I guess I find him interesting.” She blushed, a bit.
“Aironell is that all?” There was this eagerness in her voice.
“He makes me feel a little special.” Aironell met her mother’s gaze. Her eyes softened. “He says nice things to me and does sweet little things. When I’m with him I feel like he can see into my soul. I never knew that someone could be so… easy to love.” Her gaze shifted away from her mother.
The queen bent to be eye-level with her and wrapped her arms around Aironell. Aironell welcomed the hug. “You don’t think I’m ridiculous?”
The queen pressed her knees to the ground as she pulled back. In an instant she held Aironell’s hands. “You’re anything but. Alzerion is quite the catch. I want you to be sure of what it is that you want.”
“He’s nice, charming, and, well—”
“He’s handsome.” The queen laughed. “I’m sorry. I’m not trying to make things awkward.”
Aironell nodded and her look of concern was replaced with a smile. “I appreciate that. I needed a good chuckle. Mother, I just don’t want to scare him away, you know?”
“Honey, he doesn’t scare so easily.” Queen Evalyn lifted her chin up. “I think you will be fine.” She patted her back, once more, and rose. “Have a good time with Alzerion, dear. Be you. But be safe.” With that the queen ambled out the door.
Aironell fanned herself with her hands, quickly, and took in a couple slow breaths. Then she stood up and smoothed out her dress. She snapped her jeweled finger and a pair of shoes appeared. She liked how they matched her dress. Then she walked out the room.
Her mind was a maze.What should she say? Would he think she looked alright?She steadied her breathing as she walked down West Wing corridor. She came to the main entrance to the palace, looked over the banister, and all self-doubting stopped. Alzerion stood, waiting, at the base of the grand staircase. He wore his navy-blue jeans and a black long sleeve shirt. Her heart almost raced out of her chest as she saw the muscles bulging at the creases in his shirt. Her eyes continued scanning as she descended the stairs. He stood tall with this playful gleam in his eye. He was all charm; him and that off centered smirk of his.Ugh. She could just melt.
“Are you ready for a good time?” Alzerion winked and his hand was held out— waiting. She glanced at him and strolled passed, slowly. She wasn’t about to make it that easy for him. She glanced back when she reached the front doors.
Alzerion was watching… with eyebrows raised. She laughed and smiled coyly. “Alzerion you seem so sure of yourself. So sure, that I will have fun; why that is quite presumptuous.”
He moved toward her and pushed open the door. “Oh?”
“Well, I guess I’ll be the judge of how well you think you know me.”
“We shall find out, now won’t we?” he teased. Out they went, side-by-side. A bit of silence passed and all that could be heard were Aironell’s shoes against the cobblestones as they passed Gorgeous Garden.
“So, are you excited?” Aironell noticed how Alzerion tilted his head and stared. It was like he was examining her next move. She slowed to a stop.
She peered into his eyes. “Of course, I am, but you promised fun, so now you have to deliver, or else.” Her eyes narrowed as she pointed her finger at him.
“Hmmm … somehow, I’m not afraid of you,” Alzerion chuckled as he grazed his hand over her fingers, slowly coaxing them down.