Page 64 of Binding Fate

Aironell straightened as her hands repositioned to her hips. She frowned as her eyes narrowed and her nostrils flared. Alzerion burst out laughing.

“What’s so funny, Mister?”

“I’m sorry, but you are,” he continued laughing. “You look rather cute pouting.” He pursed his lips.

“That’s not my fault,” she retorted, sticking her nose up to him. Arms folded across her chest, firm.

“You’re right,” answered Alzerion. “It’s my fault that I didn’t get to see you pout. However, that superior look you’re giving me is more than I can handle.”

“I don’t think it’s funny,” she started to walk, faster than before, as she passed him.

She did not like being mocked. In one moment, she thought he was the universe’s gift to man and now, well, she was frustrated with him. She heard Alzerion’s boots against the stones. He must have been trying to catch up to her, but she did not slow her pace. She was still annoyed with him. Then she felt the warmth of his hand around hers. In seconds she felt the air whirl against her as she spun around; until Alzerion held her tightly against his chest. His broad and well-defined chest. In that moment she felt like she could fuse into him.

Aironell glimpsed into his cinnamon red eyes. She steadied herself as she eased the slight dizziness. Unsure if it was from the spinning or from him. She attempted a grin. He was cute.No— not cute.A puppy was cute. A baby was cute. He was something different.Ugh, the way he made her brain feel scattered. Attraction.

Something she never thought would happen to her, but she was undeniably attracted to him. She felt the muscles of his arm tighten as she grabbed hold of him. They held her in place which she was grateful for, as she was sure she would fall over. Alzerion closed the gap between their faces.

She could feel the warmth of his skin against her cheek as he whispered in her ear. “Are you angry with me?” His voice sounded worn, cracked. She pulled her head back, to see him. He bit down on his lower lip revealing this pained expression. He was a puzzle. A mystery. Hmm— an attractive mystery.

“I’m not funny looking.” She held firm to her arms across her chest.

“I didn’t mean for you to think that.” His somber gaze lightened.

She fixed him with a glower. “Well, what did you mean then?” Aironell was focused on him. His words. His answer.

She felt his arms relax as he stepped away. “I’ll tell you later.” His lips curled. Then he turned and started down Founders Path. Aironell sighed. She wanted him, for once, not to leave her hanging.

She shook her head and followed. She didn’t want to let this ruin her outing. She made up her mind. Aironell gazed at the bushes, trees, and then she felt this pitting, within, as they came near the rock enclosure. “Alzerion…” Her voice wavered. He must have heard because he was by her side in seconds. She couldn’t help but feel this heaviness. It was deep within. Like a boulder crushing, no, gashing at her, rising up in her chest. She clung to her necklace, eyes closed, tight.

“What’s wrong?” Alzerion spoke in a low voice.

Aironell slowly stepped back, as if she was trying to escape. Still clutching her necklace like it could ward off this feeling. She felt his strong hand on her shoulder as he scanned her face—her eyes—so distant. As if no time passed, grabbed her hands, so warm, and moved them. He placed them on his heart. It beat, in a rhythmic calm. She glanced up and met his gaze. Alzerion leaned closer to her. His gorgeous eyes were freckled with guilt. “Aironell, what can I do?”

His one hand let go of hers and his fingers danced against her chin. That nagging feeling ebbed, a bit, as she focused on him—every touch. She licked her dried lips and blinked, once, twice. “I-I—”

This time Alzerion bent his head down, toward hers. He pressed his forehead against hers as he looked into her eyes. She felt like he was searching for some clue—searching her very being. It was like some sort of inspection. A few slow breaths.

“I didn’t mean to make you worry.” Aironell spoke. She took a few slow breaths. Alzerion helped keep her grounded and she was grateful. She stepped back but Alzerion’s one hand still held, firm, to hers. His fingers wrapped around hers—like he was the key that fit just right. “I’m better, now, I promise.” She saw his eyebrows narrow. “Alzerion, I mean it. I just, well, I couldn’t shake this feeling. Thanks to you I’m doing better.”

His gaze softened. “What kind of feeling?”

“It’s nothing. We should get moving if we are ever getting into town.” Aironell attempted to pace, to start moving, but couldn’t. Alzerion stood still with his fingers entwined with hers. He was unmoving and unflinching as he watched her. “Ugh. I felt like de-ja-vu. Like maybe I’d been here before. Before you can say it, no, not just from a walk but like something meaningful happened.”

His expression didn’t shift. She couldn’t shake the feeling that he knew something.Would he reveal anything? Probably not. Alzerion and his darn secrets.

Alzerion stepped toward her, closing that gap even more. “I’m not really sure what you mean." She turned away from him. "This is a main walking trail from the palace to town. I mean Founders Path is—”

Aironell snapped her focus back at him. “It’s what?”

“Aironell.” His words were more than charm but calm. His voice was low and solemn. He glanced around and then continued. “Something did happen here; when you were little.”

“What was it?” She felt his grip tighten around hers as he ushered her on. Of course, now he was ready for them to keep moving.

“It’s not something I like talking about.” His other hand popped up. It was like he knew she would object. “I will say that you already know that your life was in danger, here, in Bachusa.”

She nodded. “I want to know what happened.”

“You are so determined.” Alzerion wrinkled his nose and she was sure she saw a grimace escape that handsome face. “You win.” Alzerion said solemnly.