1. The Royal Family has the gift of magic that flows through their veins.
2. The servants in the palace have the gift of magic. Granted, it is limited.
3. The Ancient Family of Sorcery has the gift of magic that flows through their veins since infancy.
4. No townsperson can utilize the gift of magic.
5. The soldiers in the Royal Army are forbidden to use magic. {For reason, see Code of Conduct # 1}
1. To gain one’s full potential, magic must be taught at a young age.
2. There must be a magical book passed down from the generations, filled with spells.
3. All youth should be taught the benefits and consequences of using magic, such as magical accidents or spells gone awry.
“Alzerion, are you alright?” asked King Francisco as he firmly nudged his shoulder.
Alzerion stared blankly for a moment. He shook his head a bit. “I’m sorry your majesty. I was lost in thought.”
“We were getting a bit worried. The queen called your name a few times, and nothing.”
“I’m sorry to have troubled you both,” he said shifting his gaze between the two of them. “I’m fine. I was just thinking about all those days studying in the library.”
“Oh, what brought that about?” Queen Evalyn chimed in as she stood, rocking the princess.
“Do tell,” King Francisco winked.
Alzerion peered back out the bay window and his lips parted to reveal the faintest smirk. “I was feeling a bit of nostalgia. Sometimes when I sit here, I can’t help but think about things. Bachusa is such a beautiful place.”
“That it is,” Queen Evalyn nodded.
“Well, it’s just that. The majesty of the buildings and the wonder of the gardens, I-I-I can’t help but to think of the magic of it all.”
“Ah,” King Francisco replied, “so that’s what made you think of the library. All of those days studying about magic and the town history.”
“Exactly,” Alzerion chuckled. It must have been enough to reassure them because he watched King Francisco stroll back to the couch.
Alzerion turned his attention back to the scene from the window. This time he made sure to tuck each side of the blush curtains into the metal fleur-de-lis holders, to fully clear his view.It’s too dark outside,he thought. So, Alzerion quickly turned his head to be sure he was not being watched, satisfied, he looked back out the window and then concentrated his gaze on the dark sky. He thought only of a way to get a clearer image and then waved his hand, and with that there was a flash of lightening that lit up the whole sky. Finally, he knew what the problem was. Outside the palace he saw a man gazing at the palace.
Alzerion knew he only had one chance, so he waved his hand again, and this time lightening flashed and there was this loud boom of thunder. Alzerion attempted to tune out Aironell’s cry. He could hear the queen shushing her and he even heard the king say, “There, there.”
The man outside tried to blend in with the inky-black night, but with another flash of lightening Alzerion could see the man. He was average height with disheveled pitch-black hair that was graying. Alzerion squinted, but could make out the coldness of his maroon eyes. They sent a shiver down his spine. His stomach felt like it was one giant knot. His gaze was fixated on the man’s rough looking face.Ulbrick.He hoped to never cross paths, ever again.
“Alzerion,” the king called.
“Yes, your majesty,” Alzerion replied, barely turning his head around.
“Are you feeling alright?” Francisco asked as his eyebrows narrowed. “You seem a bit preoccupied.”
Alzerion gulped, and faced the king. “I’m alright, sir.”
“Are you sure,” Queen Evalyn chimed in as she held the princess against her chest. “You have this look about you.”
“I’m sorry if I’m worrying you. I’m just distracted by the change of weather, that’s all.” Alzerion shifted his eyes firmly away from the window.
“Alzerion, come have a talk with me in the hallway, please,” instructed King Francisco.