Page 5 of Binding Fate

“It’ll be all right,” he said with such sureness and then gave her a sweet kiss on her cheek.

Alzerion stood up and headed back onto Founders Path, which became Royal Lane the closer they got to the palace. Alzerion had to stop a few times to readjust Aironell. For someone so tiny she sure did make his arm go numb so fast. He did this a few times, each time chattering away with her to keep her calm as he moved her from her comfy position. As he came within sight of the palace, he realized something.

Aironell was never far from the palace. Generally, if someone was kidnapping a person, they would try to get as far away as possible, but they did not. Founders Path was about six minutes from the palace adjacent from Royal Lane; anyone could practically see the palace from that path.It just did not add up, he thought. He walked through the big front doors and up the grand staircase. He took a deep breath and opened the doors to the family room. Once he entered, the king and queen stood at once. He could see their tear-stained faces start to brighten. So, he walked toward them and put Aironell in the queen’s arms.

“Oh, thank you, Alzerion!” she blurted. Then the queen kissed Aironell and pulled her daughter tightly into her chest. Alzerion could see her beaming from ear to ear.

“Of course. Just doing my duty,” he replied while watching the king kneeling down beside the queen. He gently rubbed Aironell’s little stockinged foot.

“Alzerion,” said the king sternly as he turned his head to face him. “You shouldn’t have stayed by yourself. You could have been hurt, and then how would we have explained that to your parents?”

“I’m sorry, Your Majesty, I just couldn’t face you and the queen.” His tone was steady. “If I didn’t have Aironell, I didn’t want to return, and the soldiers were getting tired.”

“I know,” replied the king. “You just had us worried, is all.”

“But I thought you were furious with me?”

“Alzerion, I was scared, and I took it out on you,” the king replied as he stood. Alzerion watched as the king held out his strong arm toward him. Alzerion stepped closer and then the king embraced him. He was not expecting that but felt he should return the favor and hugged the king. He saw Queen Evalyn nod.

King Francisco then placed his hands on Alzerion’s back and gave him a pat as he continued, “I just wanted to show you how serious the situation was. I know you are still young, but you have a great amount of responsibility. I wanted you to realize the importance of multi-tasking. It is the only way you will accomplish all your tasks, including watching my daughter. Please forgive me.”

Alzerion took a slow breath in and out to keep his jaw from gaping wide open. He felt this warmth in his heart.

“Of course. I’ll do better,” Alzerion said with a curt nod. King Francisco gave a slight nod and then accompanied Alzerion to the ruby red armchair that sat near the couch. Alzerion waited until King Francisco sat on the couch, before sitting down.

Alzerion continued to watch the family. The king and queen couldn’t stop smiling and cooing at Aironell. She looked like a pea in a pod, all snug and so innocent to all the evil in the world. The atmosphere of the room shifted since he arrived with the princess.



lzerion’s foot tapped as he studied the shift in the mood. He stood up, slowly, and moseyed his way to the bay window. He sat on the plush seat and gazed outside. After a few minutes of scanning Gorgeous Garden and seeing the tallest building of the town square in the distance, he began biting his fingernail.

He had this nagging sensation churning in the pit of his stomach, as if he ate something that disagreed with him. Alzerion kept inspecting Bachusa, or at least what he could see, but still he couldn’t place that feeling. He knelt on the seat and placed his hands on the window, as if trying to get closer.It has to mean something,he thought. He quickly spun his head around when he heard a faint sound behind him. It was the king shaking a little rattle for Aironell. He saw the king and queen look back at him, and he forced a smile, so as not to alarm them.

Maybe my senses are trying to warn me of something…but what?He knew this probably had something to do with his magical abilities. Alzerion was one of those blessed with the gift of magic. When he first realized he possessed the power, he was merely six and had to learn that not everyone in Bachusa possessed it.

He remembered learning about the rules of magic in one of his many lessons. Alzerion smirked. He remembered it like it was yesterday.

He sat in the Royal Library at a mahogany table overlooking a sea of books. Books of all kinds. Some new, some worn, and some so old they looked tattered as if the pages might tear. There was one book, so old the pages felt dried out and crinkled as he turned them. It was a huge dark brown leather-bound book with a fleur-de-lis wearing a crown inside a heart with something speckled all around; only later did he learn that it represented magic. The symbol was decorated all over the book, and the title was The Magical Code, written in gold letters on the cover. He flipped the pages to the beginning.

Magic Fact

1. It exists.

2. It is a gift.

3. It is not had by everyone.

Code of Conduct

1. Never use magic to fight a battle.

2. In conflict, your opponent should be magically equipped. If not, then it would be unfair to use magic.

3. Magic cannot be used to manipulate opinions; it cannot force people to do your bidding; it cannot make someone love you!

Magical Ownership