Page 4 of Binding Fate

“I’m not sure if I should. I’m not trying to disobey an order, but it seems wrong to leave you here.”

“I appreciate the gesture, but get,” he waved. “I’ll be fine. Plus, I’m just not ready to admit defeat yet,” he added as his chin dipped toward his chest with a downcast stare.

Quairken nodded, turned, and started the walk to the palace.

"Francisco, why don’t you come sit by me?” Evalyn implored. The queen motioned from the couch to her husband who had this vacant expression as he stood watching the door. “You can’t just keep standing. We don’t know when they will return.”

“I know you’re right, dearest, but I feel useless,” he admitted as he turned around to face his wife. “I just have a bad feeling about this.”

With a pained look that narrowed her eyes, Queen Evalyn stood and moved to Francisco; closing the distance between them. “I’m here with you.”

She placed her slender hand on his broad shoulder. This time Francisco grabbed her hand, caressed it, and gingerly kissed it. In a swooping motion he entwined their hands together like the threads of a string. Then he escorted Evalyn back to the couch where he sat down next to her.

“I will try to calm,” Francisco reassured, “I just—”

He was cut short by the sound of boots trudging in the hall outside the Family Room. A glowing smile escaped his face and with his heart racing, King Francisco stood up and promptly strode to the door and opened it. His demeanor shifted as he met with Quairken.

“Come,” King Francisco said with a flare of his hand.

He led Quairken into the room and allowed him to sit in the chair closest to the queen. He positioned himself on the couch next to his wife.

“Quairken, tell us what happened,” demanded the king. “Where is Aironell? Where is Alzerion?”

“What I think my husband is trying to say is welcome back from your search. Would you like some tea?” she motioned to the little silver kettle that sat atop a white lace cloth.

“Thank you for the offer, your majesty, but I’m fine,” Quairken replied and then took a slow breath. “I will explain.”

He told them all the places they searched, such as the Grimlands, Abandoned Alley, and Prairie Flats, but all to no avail. Then he told them how Alzerion sent them all home and how he stayed there. He looked up at the king and queen.

King Francisco pulled out of his own thoughts as he noticed that his wife’s expression shifted. He could see this haunted look on her face like a murky white washed over her.

“Thank you for keeping us informed, Quairken,” king Francisco replied. “Isabella was looking for you earlier, so you may go.”

Quairken stood, bowed his head and left the king and queen.

“Oh, Francisco,” the queen sobbed.

Francisco hugged his wife to calm the tide of her emotions, but could only watch as the stream of her tears kept running down her cheeks, like a flood.

“Darling, remember you said to have faith in Alzerion, so that is what we must do,” he said while he pulled out a silk handkerchief from his pocket and started dabbing away at her tear-stained cheeks.

“Francisco, I appreciate that,” she was able to muster between chocked sobs.

Francisco patted her back and saw Evalyn start to take slow breaths. “Francisco, what if he cannot find Aironell and he could be in danger out there all alone,” she said with more control in her voice as she continued to use the handkerchief.

“Alzerion is tough. He will be fine. He wants to find her, so we should try to remain calm and—”

“I know, but still, I’m worried about him.”

“Me too,” Francisco admitted as he placed his arm around her shoulder. Evalyn let her head lean against his chest and they sat there taking in the comfort of the couch, while they found solace in the other. The king’s heartbeat was as steady as the rhythmic patter of rain drops.

* * *

Alzerion was still just sitting on the grass, thinking. He was going over again and again the possible places Aironell could be. However, each time, he came to the same conclusion: they already searched there. The wind picked up blowing his cloak, so Alzerion stood up and started walking back. As he stepped his boots scraped the ground like a little child dragging their feet. After about a half-hour walk through Prairie Flats, he was back on the trail and was about to pass by Founders Path when he heard a noise.

It was a faint sound, but it was enough to pique his interest. He looked around but couldn’t find the source of the noise. So, he continued. A few more minutes on Founders Path and the noise grew louder. He ran toward the sound and stopped right in front of a rock enclosure that was situated just off the side of the path. Nestled snug in the enclosure was a basket with blankets, and not just any blankets but pretty pink ones with red roses as a decoration. He knelt down beside the enclosure and pulled out the basket. Then he leafed through the blankets and saw her. It was Aironell, all safe in the blankets that he laid her in. A grin spread across his face.

He pulled Aironell out of the basket, laid her in his arms, and wrapped the blanket around her tiny body so that she would not catch cold from the windy evening. He looked into her precious eyes and rested his forehead to hers.