Then she whispered, “He will find her, Francisco. You know that better than anyone.” The queen paused, held a breath for a few seconds until she steadied her voice and leaned back. Then with such an evenness to her voice she said, “He has to.”
“I know but, he- he has to learn,” he sighed.
“He will.” She reached to clasp his hand. “Remember, he is fourteen. He does have a great deal of responsibility and work. He took his eyes off her for five minutes to tend to his other job. Don’t forget all the hard work he does with the army. All that training to become the Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Army; which isn’t far off for him.”
“Do you think I was too hard on him?” asked King Francisco with a downcast glance.
“I think you could have handled it better,” she replied, smooth and creamy. Then she gingerly rubbed his hand to her cheek as she continued, “You didn’t have to be so cross with the boy. Until he learns, we should give him all the support and confidence that he will need to succeed. I know it’s difficult. I had to compose myself so as not to panic.”
“All right, when he comes back, I will apologize. However, I want him to realize the severity of this situation.”
Queen Evalyn nodded. Arm-in-arm she led them to the bay window. Each sat on the plush cushion and peered out, lost in their thoughts.
* * *
Alzerion gathered the soldiers. He ordered them to change into their dark gray slacks, black boots, and chocolate-brown leather jerkin with a gray long sleeve shirt underneath. Then they clasped on their leather scabbards and swords around the waist. They needed to be ready for anything. Soon after that, they left the barracks and set out to find Aironell. As he was walking, he looked back at the palace and peered into the large bay window at the king and queen. He could see them clinging to one another, frowning. The queen fiddled with her necklace as the king looked out with wrinkled eyebrows.
The soldiers moved on. They searched the far Grimlands. It was a place where questionable people would tend to hide. It was a large expanse, but it was dark, cold, desolate, and grim. Alzerion looked high and low, but Aironell was nowhere to be found. They checked each cliff, mountain, and even cavern that they could think of.
Then he had soldiers go to Abandoned Alley and see if she was there. That particular alley branched off from town square. Alzerion searched Town Square and then waited there for the soldiers to return. Soon enough, they came back with heavy eyes and heads that hung low. Again, they kept moving. After searching for nearly three hours, the soldiers met up at Prairie Flats. It was a vast land with no mountains, no ditches, and no nothing. It was nearly flat, except for the occasional boulder. He waited there for everyone to return, even as the wind began to pick up.
Alzerion sat on the grass, like a pretzel, in disbelief.I’m one of the best trackers in Bachusa. Why can’t I seem to find one little girl?How could I have let Aironell slip through my fingers?He sat frowning and biting at his lower lip while focusing on where they’ve searched and what they could do next. He finally knew what it felt like to fail— he hated it.
Most of all, how could he go back to the palace and tell the king and queen their daughter was gone? It did not make any sense. He just sat on the grass with his legs curled into his stomach and thought. There was something he was missing because there was no way she could have just disappeared. Bachusa, he knew, was quite enormous, so she had to still be here, somewhere.
Then a tall burly man stood before him. “Alzerion, can we talk?”
“Of course, Quairken. What’s on your mind?” Alzerion asked as he stood up.
Quairken placed an arm around Alzerion and ushered them away from the group and continued, “I didn’t want to be overheard by the others. Let’s take a stroll about.”
Alzerion nodded as they slowed their pace as they spoke.
“What is on your mind, Quairken?” Alzerion asked as he grabbed a handful of the tall purple prairie clovers.
“I’m concerned about what we should do next, sir. The others seem exhausted from the search and it’s getting late.”
“What are you suggesting?” Alzerion asked with raised eyebrows while he gazed at his fingers twisting the clovers in his hands.
“Maybe we should head back to the palace, sir,” responded Quairken. “We’re having no luck, and I think we will lose morale soon.” Quairken’s voice never wavered.
Alzerion twisted the last of the clover into a tight knot as he bit the inside of his cheek. Then he glanced at Quairken. Unsure as to what they should do, he turned away and looked beyond. He just gazed out in the distance at the slender purple clover fields. It was mostly flat all except for the few bushes that managed to grow in the field. Then he felt a pat on his shoulder and Alzerion took a breath in and exhaled.
“Quairken, I hope you know how much I appreciate you.”
“I know, sir.”
Alzerion turned around to face him. “Do you really think it best that we head back? I don’t know what to do if we go back without the princess.”
“Alzerion, you always figure something out,” Quairken reassured while propping the back of his legs against a boulder that was hidden by the clovers.
“Alright,” Alzerion nodded and started back toward the soldiers. Alzerion observed the men. Each had this downcast look. Some draped their arms over their head, with labored breaths. Many had taken to sitting in the field of clovers and the lucky ones sat on smooth stones. As he approached he watched them stand swiftly.
“You all can head back,” boomed Alzerion with legs spread out in a wide stance. “Go back to the palace. You all worked very hard, and I thank you very much. I’m sure the king and queen will be glad to know how loyal their soldiers are. It’s getting late, and I’m sure you would like to wash up and get some rest.”
Alzerion heard mumbling and continued, “It’s alright. It will be getting dark soon and without daylight we won’t be very effective at tracking.”
The soldiers nodded, got up, and headed back to the palace, but Alzerion merely sat back down. With right foot tapping at the ground he looked up and saw that Quairken had not left with the others. “Quairken, you should head back too.”