While Alex gets the guys together, I call Willa to talk.

I shouldn’t have said that shit to her. I can’t judge hers or anyone's relationship. And she was right all along. Kandi hurt me worse than I ever thought she could.

My call goes right to voicemail and I know her team has the night off just like ours does. She’s still avoiding me.

I text her instead. Apologizing for being a dick. She’s my best friend and I should be there for her just like I wish she was here for me now.

Me:Hi Willa-bean. I’m sorry for being an asshole and you were right. Getting your heart broken sucks, but I have no idea what you’re going through with Vic. I love you and I’m here for you.

She doesn’t answer but it shows asread.

I’ll bring her a bagel tomorrow morning and some groveling coffee.

The guys and I ended up playing a Nerf War game at the same place Kandi and I went to. I thought it would be fine. I’ve gone there with them loads of times. I completely forgot I took Kandi there until I was already geared up and inside.

I was distracted and lost badly. Every move I made reminded me of how I followed her around the zones watching and waiting to take my shot. She had no idea I was watching her.

I smiled at the memories of her trying to sneak around with that determined look on her face. And then her last words to me would pop in and I’d feel the sting of them all over again.

I was using you, and we’ll never be more than that.

You’re nothing more than good sex.

She meant every word.

“You played like shit yesterday.” Willa kicks the bench I’m sitting on at the Drexton Hall Gym.

Working out at the gym has been keeping my head clear. I’ve been spending more time training, and tiring myself so I can go home and pass out. Making myself feel too tired to think.

I brought Willa breakfast yesterday and she still wouldn’t talk to me. I left it with one of her sorority sisters. I also noticed movement behind a certain person’s curtain in the house next door.

It’s better I don’t speak her name.

“Yeah, I know.” I wince. It was a tough game. We barely pulled out the win and I missed several blocks I shouldn’t have. “You didn’t play so good yourself.” Willa’s game was later and I watched her playing just as bad as my game was. They lost and Willa broke her stick against the boards. She was kicked out in the middle of the third period. “That was some slapshot you had. But I think you’re supposed to hit the puck, not the boards.”

She winces back at me and changes the subject. “You need a spotter.”

“Eh, I’m going lighter than usual.” I lie down to start my press and Willa stands back to spot me.

“Thanks for breakfast, but I like rye better,” she says between counts.

“They were out.” I grunt. “I got your second favorite.”

“What happened with Kandi?” She doesn’t wait long to ask the question I was hoping to avoid.

“She broke it off.” I grunt again, lifting the bar up. “What’s going on with Vic?”

“We had a fight.” Willa shrugs.

“How many games are you out?” There’s no doubt she’s suspended for her outburst.

“Three,” she admits, and helps me switch the weights so she can do her own set.

“Ouch. That’s the end of this semester, right?”

“That’s why it’s only three.” She sighs and starts her own set of dead presses.

We do the rest of our workout in silence until we get to the treadmill for our last run.