“I know he’s cheating on me.” Willa lets it out. “I see it, but I don’t want to believe it. I don’t want to know.”

“I get it.” I nod. I wouldn’t want to know Kandi was cheating on me if we were together, and I wouldn’t leave her if she was. I had it bad. So bad.

“We talked about it last night and he promised he’d stop,” Willa says with a deep sigh. She wants to believe he will, but it’s bullshit. We both know it. “I’m going to give him one more chance.”

I don’t say anything. It’s unlikely she’ll give him onlyonechance, but I’m not one to talk. If Kandi walked through that door and offered me a blow job, I’d take it.

“I’m sorry it didn’t work out with Kandi. I think you guys would’ve been good together.” More bullshit. “She really was a great kisser.” Willa winks at me with a sly smirk.

“Oh, please don’t!” I laugh. “I’m still not sure if I want to vomit or get hard from that image. It’s burned into my brain.”

“Gross!” Willa hits me with her towel.

“If I kissed Vic, would that be a turn on?”

“No!” She laughs.

“Why not? I’m a sexy guy.” I act all offended.

“Ew! That’s like saying your sisters are sexy.” She waves her arms over in my direction. “All I see is the scrawny little kid who thought he could keep up with me on the ice.”

“My sisters are sexy in their own way.” I tease her. “Do you remember that time we kissed?” I raise my eyebrows at her suggestively.

Willa makes gagging noises and motions as if she’s puking off to the side. “We were ten! It was a dare and the grossest kiss I’ve ever had.”

“I’ve never had any complaints.” I gasp dramatically, holding my chest.

She hits me with her towel again.

I missed this.

I was so wrapped up in Kandi, I didn’t have any time to spend with my best friend.

The semester is done in four weeks and then we’ll only have six more months of being in the same school together, if we’re lucky. I haven’t been called yet, but that doesn’t mean it won’t happen. I need to focus on that and my team.

I don’t want to ever lose my best friend again.

Chapter 29


Not even three weeks before our charity gala and I should be making sure everything is all set.

We still have to confirm the food options and set up with the vendors. Plus, I need to meet with Coach Renan to make sure the press rooms and locker rooms are all locked that day and other stuff I need to confirm with him.

Luca had to beg him to let us have our Skate Gala at the arena. He was completely against it, even when I had Dean Whalen’s approval, but somehow Luca’s incessant begging broke him down.

I completely understand, because he did the exact same to me and I still have trouble not thinking about him.

I have a million things on my list but that is all pushed aside so I can have a coffee date with Peter. I owe him an apology. I was way out of line to snap like that.

He’s the reason I’m able to go to Drexton Hall. He’s the reason I have a roof over my head between semesters. And he was my father at one time. He was a great dad until … he wasn’t.

“I’m sorry,” I start as soon as he sits down.

“No, Kandace. I’m sorry.” He looks down at his watch. The watch I got for him as a birthday present when I was nine. It was the first gift I ever bought by myself.

Mom took me to the store and paid for it, but she asked what I wanted to get him and let me pick it out.