Alex is nowhere to be seen.

“Wow, hi to you too Luca,” she replies with a bitchy sass and her arms folded over her tiny frame.

Last time we talked was when Alex found out she cheated on him and I had more than a few not so nice words for her.

“I only say hi to people I like,” I quip back to her. “Get out.”

“Don’t talk to her like that.” Alex comes out of the small bathroom we share.

Kylie smirks at me with a smug shake of her shoulders before getting up. “I have to go anyway.”

“Are you sure?” Alex asks as he holds onto her waist.

How did this happen? Alex took her back after everything she did. She cheated on him several times, and threw it in his face when he found out.

She never even apologized, and had the nerve to blame him for her infidelity. She called it a lack of attention.

Giving them some privacy, I reluctantly throw my stuff down and plop on my bed. Making as much noise as I can to disrupt the lovebirds.

“Dude, what’s your problem?” Alex pulls back our Dino sheet after Kylie leaves.

“That bitch is my problem,” I groan.

“Thatbitchis my girlfriend,” Alex snaps back at me.

“I can’t believe you're taking her back.”

“I haven’t said anything about Kandi. That girl is playing you dirty. And I said nothing.” He goes back at me. “She’s using you and going to stomp all over your heart.”

He has no idea what happened. He hasn’t been around to have any real conversations. Kylie always comes first.

“Fuck you.” I laugh maniacally at him, flailing about on my bed. I’ve completely lost it, and I can’t stop laughing because he’s right. They were all right. “She’s not using me for anything anymore.”

Alex stares at me like I’ve completely lost it, but his eyes soften to real concern when he realizes what I said. “Did she break up with you?”

“We’d have to be dating for her to break up with me.” I finally stop laughing and sit up with my head in my hands.

We weren’t dating. She was just using me. She outwardly shouted it in my face and I still didn’t want to believe it was true.

This entire time I was nothing more than good fucking sex to her and I’m the fool that thought we could be more. I’m the fool that thought my ignorant heart knew better than my stupid brain.

“Are you alright?” Alex asks.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” I lie for the second time someone has asked me that. Hiding the emotions that are consuming me is easier than accepting the truth.

“No, you’re not,” Alex calls out my bullshit. “Want to go play laser tag or some shit?”

That makes me laugh, a real one this time. The guy gets me.

“Yeah. Let’s do something tonight.”

It’s better than mourning my losses. Or drinking myself into a black hole, as I really feel like doing. I haven’t wanted to get blackout drunk since last semester. I felt good the last few months. I was lifted up with hope and now, I’m back to drowning again.

“I’ll get the guys together.” He smiles and heads downstairs to see who wants to come out.

I’m going to miss this place and my team. My brothers always have my back and forgive me when I’m having a rough day.

I shouldn’t give Kylie too much shit. Alex loves her and relationships have their ups and downs. I’m not one to judge, and people make mistakes.