The intense orgasm from his tongue and fingers was well worth the lateness.

I’ve been prepping all day for this when I should’ve been tutoring, but I gave up those assignments in order to be ready to take Chelsea down.

She doesn’t get to abuse her power like this.

They’ve turned our living room into a courtroom. We lined the couches around the perimeter with girls sitting on them, and two rows of chairs in the center. Against the windows are two podiums facing a third one.

Renna asked Jocelyn, a Beta from next door, to be the officiator and mediator in our debate. But the decision is up to a Delta Nu anonymous vote.

“All rise for our President, Chelsea Stringheimer and the challenger, our Vice President, Kandace Davenport.” Renna makes the announcement and all the girls rise from their seats as Chelsea and I make our way to our podiums. “And please give a warm welcome to our third party, unbiased officiator, Jocelyn Luger.”

The entire spectacle is ridiculous, but the procedure has been in place for years. According to Dani, they haven’t used it since its inception. Alumni of the Delta Nu’s have kept records of their history and like to tell stories to be passed down as knowledge to learn and grow from. The process was first put into place to overthrow the president then. No one has needed it since then.

“You may all sit, and we can proceed.”

Dani stands first and swears us in by the Delta Nu oath.

“Challenger, please state your reason for bringing us all here.” Jocelyn tries to hide her smile to take this seriously.

“It is my belief with incriminating evidence that our Delta Nu President, Ms. Stringheimer, has been neglecting her duties and responsibilities to her sisterhood.”

“Please,” Chelsea quietly scoffs next to me.

“Therefore,” I raise my voice to address my sisters. “I would like Chelsea to step down from her role, since it has become too much for her to fully perform.”

She bites her lip at my insinuation.

“Madame President, do you have a rebuttal and opening statement for the outcome you wish to occur from these proceedings?” Jocelyn addresses Chelsea with her brow raised.

It was hard to find someone completely unbiased and not have an unfavorable opinion of Chelsea, but Jocelyn promised to play nice.

“I feel unjustly accused of not fulfilling my role. Personal concerns have come up, but I love my Delta Nu sisters and would never turn my back on them. My door is always open to anyone who needs help or guidance. It is difficult taking on all the responsibilities, but that’s why we have a Vice President.” She sneers at me quickly and addresses the room. “It is a responsible leader that can delegate to her peers, and trust them to perform their duties without micromanaging.” She turns her head toward me. “A President should be there for her sisters and not busy entertaining the entire men’s hockey team.”

Half the roomoohsat her snub remark.

I try not to react and hold my head high. There’s only been one hockey player in my bed this semester and I’ve still done more for our house than her.

“I don’t judge my sisters and what they do forentertainment.” I quip back at her. “And I would drop everything if one of my sisters needed me.”

“Ok, first topic.” Jocelyn starts our debate off, going through several situations and topics important for a Delta Nu to handle and comment on.

From the best way to fix underwires poking out of a bra to comforting a sister going through a traumatic experience.

Chelsea had some suitable responses, and that’s why she was chosen as our president. Somewhere, the position and power got to her head. She was always a bit strict with us, but we needed that. We needed someone to put us in our place and tell us when we’re being too reckless.

She may be a bitch, but she was the bitch we needed to wrangle us all up and stop us from losing all control.

By the end, we’re exhausted from arguing with each other, but it’s time for our closing statements and to reveal how she’s been neglecting our charity event and lying to us all.

“I understand I haven’t been a part of the charity event planning, but with my many responsibilities I delegated the planning to Kandi.” Chelsea makes her argument and stiffens her shoulders back. “I am a leader and that’s why you’ve all chosen me in the first place and I will do even better to be here and devote my free time to all of you.”

Penny and Renna passed around papers with screenshots of the texts and pictures of Chelsea sitting with the hockey team.

I close my eyes and go in with the kill shot.

“As you can all see from the pictures being passed around, Chelsea was a part of our planning committee. Several times she had excuses of why she was unable to attend.” I shake my head with disappointment. “The last one is dated along with the messages to show how she lied about having an important study session to fraternize with the hockey team.”

“You took pictures.” She gasps and takes a packet for herself. “Ew, I look hideous in this one! Pictures should not have been allowed without full disclosure.”