As long as we’re sticking to the rules of this being a casual fling, there is no sleeping in each other’s beds or cuddling.

“We have twenty minutes.” He opens one eye to check the time.

Luca is getting more and more comfortable and it’s making me antsy.

“You have class too and it’s across campus. You’ll be late.” I shove his arm off me and it plops down on his hip like a dead fish.

“I can skip it,” he mutters again in a sleepy haze.

“No, you’ll get benched again, and that will not be my fault.” There is no way I’m taking the blame for that. I feel bad enough about the last time.

“Snuggle with me for two minutes.” He curls up into me and tries to drape his arm back over, but I block it and slip out of bed.

“I don’t do snuggling, and I have to get ready for class.” No offense to Luca. No matter who was in my bed, I wouldn’t be snuggling.

After slipping on my robe, I stick the carnation Luca brought with the pizza in the glass by my window and fill it with water from the bottle I had.

“Shit, I have to take a piss.” Luca jumps up and darts out my door, not bothering to put clothes on.

A high-pitched scream comes from the other side of the door, followed by Luca apologizing.

“Jesus, you almost ran me down.” Penny laughs as she walks past my open door.

It’s not the first time he’s walked our halls naked, but the house is normally empty when he does. He’s getting a little too comfortable.

“Are you coming to my game tomorrow night?” Luca asks as he comes back and stretches out in my bed, making himself at home.

“No,” I say while fixing my makeup.

“Why not?” He sits up and slips on his jeans.

His big beefy muscles stretch and flex as he throws his hair up in a bun with a glittery teal scrunchy.

“Delta Nu business. Are those scrunchies, trophies, from your past hookups?” I ask, rolling my eyes at how ridiculous he looks.

He smirks after throwing his tee shirt on and comes behind me. Leaning over my chair, flexing his arms against the back of it, and grinning at me through the mirror.

I ignore the flutter in my gut. That quivering sensation that makes me want to screw our classes and fling myself on top of him for round two. Or technically three.

“Are you jealous?” He grins smugly through the mirror as if he’s on to some big revelation.

“No, I think it’s disgusting and heinous.” With a huff, I continue fixing my lipstick and stand to get my clothes on.

Luca stops me with his hand inside my robe around my waist and the other gripping my chin to look at him.

“They’re from my nieces.” He leans in closer to tease a kiss that never comes, running his hand down over my ass. “There’s no reason to be jealous. I let them do my hair when I see them, and they love giving me new scrunchies to wear.”

That’s fucking adorable, and one more thing about Luca that I can no longer hold on to as a negative.Damn him.

His fingers trail down my neck and along the middle of my robe. Opening it up with a small tug of the string as he walks me back to my bed.

“We only have five minutes,” I warn him as the back of my knees hit the bed, forcing me down on top of it.

Luca climbs over me, pressing soft kisses on my neck and down the center of my chest.

“Five minutes to make you come,” he groans into my skin, quickly making his way down to my center, plunging his tongue in without wasting a second.

Ten minutes later, we’re scrambling to get dressed and rushing out the door to get to our classes.