“Have her home by midnight!” Callie calls out as I follow out the door.

“Will you turn into a pumpkin?” I ask, lightly tugging on a strand of her hair.

“This is not a date. Let’s get this straight. No flirting.” She’s on a mission. A big mission to burst my bubble of any hope I have with her. “By the end of tonight, I go home and you stop asking people for my number.”

“Why do you pretend to hate me so much?”

She doesn’t answer, but gives me a huff and goes straight to my car. I open the door for her like a gentleman and then round to my side. No matter what she says, in my eyes, it’s a date.

I haven’t had any more memories surface that would clue me in to why Kandace won’t even give me a chance to apologize. Every day, I feel like I’m losing this battle with her. I don’t want to give up, but I’m getting hopeless.

I’m going to take every moment I can with her and make the best of it.

Chapter 17


“You still haven’t figured out a charity event for the Delta Nu’s? Isn’t that a big deal?” Luca asks as he pulls his Jeep away from the curb.

Every part of my brain is screaming to run.Run away! Don’t let this guy fool you.

No matter how loud my brain screams, my body keeps being pulled right back to him. He looks good. Those jeans are a perfect fit around his thick thighs and that shirt? How does a shirt that's supposed to keep you warm hug every muscle underneath it? I don’t dare look at his forearms, not even when he rolled up his sleeves to start driving. No, I am not going to be tempted. Not tonight.

None of that matters. It doesn’t hide the man in those clothes. The one behind the dimpled smirk and bulging muscles.

“It’s a big fucking deal. We have the Children’s Learning Center picked out as the charity, but we have nothing else. Chelsea has completely checked out and I’m doing everything myself.” I’m tired of keeping it in.

They all expect so much from me, and I have no idea what I’m doing. We’re required by the school to do some sort of community service and charity event each semester. Normally, we hold our event in the first month, and we’re going on month three. “I didn’t even want this role. I got suckered into it.” I let out a deep breath and look out my side window.

“I’m sorry,” Luca says quietly, afraid of my sudden outburst.

“You should be.”

“Wait, what?” It takes a few beats before he realizes what I said. “Are we still talking about the Delta Nu charity thing? How is that my fault?”

“I have enough going on.” I lay into him, because there’s a hope he’ll understand or get mad enough to leave me alone. “Add onto that, you going around begging for my number and showing up at my door. You’re adding to my problems. So, you should be sorry.”

“Wow.” He’s in disbelief. I thought it was obvious. “If anything, I’m a wonderful distraction if you’d let me be, but you keep fighting it.”

“A wonderful distraction? How do you consider yourself a wonderful distraction for me, exactly?”

He really is delusional. Good sex isn’t worth this much annoyance. Ok, it’s great sex. Despite that, Luca isn’t worth it. No man is. No matter how good the distraction is.

“Oh, I have a few ways.” He glances quickly at me, while still trying to keep an eye on the road.

I keep my arms folded over my chest, challenging him, and staring at the sexy undone curl at the top of his head. How does he manage his messy yet put together look? There’s gel in his hair. Did he miss a spot, or was it done purposely? Either way, I’m actively trying not to twirl my finger through it.

“Number one,” he holds up one finger. “I’m a fun guy. If you’d let your guard down, you’d see that, and then we’d have a great time together.”

Ha! I have yet to have a truly fun time with him, unless you count our blindfold date, and I didn’t even know it was him. I don’t think you can count that. Although, it was fun.

Damn him.

“Numero two, I’m low maintenance and have low expectations.” I quirk my eyebrow, waiting for an explanation on that. So far, he’s been very high maintenance for me. “I don’t complain that you don’t give me much of your time, and I wouldn’t. I’m a busy guy myself. I don’t expect anything from you.”

Before I can object to any of that, Luca holds up his third finger.

“The third and final reason, because every good point should have at least three forms of evidence. I’ve saved this one for last.” He adds, stopping to smirk sideways at me. “I give you mind blowing orgasms, allowing you to forget all your troubles and relax.”