I get a glimpse of his wide grin before turning my head away so he doesn’t see me blushing.

I don’t blush, but with his last declaration I’m reliving both nights in my head, remembering just how explosive the orgasms were. And now my entire body is on fire, including my red cheeks.

“Don’t try to deny it. I know a real mind blowing experience when I hear, see, and feel it.” He reaches out and gives my thigh a quick squeeze. “Trust me, that’s not even as good as it can get.”

I move my thigh away as quickly as his hand moves from it.

Fuck him.

Not as good as it can get?Pfft!

The arousing flame in me turns into a fiery ball of anger. He is so full of himself.

I’m thinking of all the things I could do to get out of this, whatever it is, friend date. I’m about to tell him I’ve changed my mind. To turn around and take me home, but that’s when he pulls up to a sketchy brick building that looks like an empty warehouse.

“Where the hell are we?” I ask as Luca turns the car off and opens the door.

“Come and find out. I was going to take you to dinner, but this will be way more fun.” He jumps out and excitedly runs to my side.

I open the door and slip out before he could do it for me. His plan to turn this into an actual date isn’t going to work.

Luca holds out his hand for me to take, but I walk past him towards what I think is the entrance. Ever persistent, he lightly places his hand on the small of my back, guiding me in.

Inside is a small arcade and large desk with kiosks surrounding it. Behind the desk are blacked out glass doors.

“Two for the nerf war,” Luca tells the young girl manning the desk.

The what?

I give him a curious look and all he does is grin and wiggle his eyebrows at me. A group of guys come out the door to the left of us in coveralls splashed with paint, laughing and making gun motions at each other.


I’m not dressed for paintball.

I glare at Luca, and he keeps smiling at me after handing the girl money. A smug ass grin, as if he has the ultimate secret that is going to blow my mind.

“Don’t worry, I didn’t sign us up for paintball, and it’s just going to be us two in there. You’re going to love it!” He’s as excited as a kid would be going to this small arcade.

Luca rocks on his heels and drums his fingers on his leg, jittery and excited to get started. We each have to sign a waiver on the kiosk and I’m still not sure what I’m signing up for.

We’re taken to the entrance on the right and inside the glass door is another small room with protective gear and another door. Luca goes straight to the attendant and starts handing me a helmet with a visor, a vest with padding and another set of pads for our knees and elbows.

He doesn’t waste time putting on the gear, and the attendant helps me with mine.

“Come here often?” I question Luca as I watch him expertly gear up for whatever I’ve gotten myself into.

He answers with a wide grin, without admitting how often that is.

“Here,” he comes to me when the attendant steps away. “This should be centered.”

With a jerk, he shifts the tight vest I’m wearing to straighten it out. The movement pulls me closer to him and I feel a zap shoot through me. Straight down my middle and to my center from being manhandled by his strong pull.

Luca’s right dimple deepens from my gasp before he quickly lets go. He smugly rocks on his heels as we listen to the attendant go over the rules and regulations.

We’re taken to opposite sides of a large room set up with all different sized barricades made of foam and rubber to make different shapes. On each wall is an array of Nerf guns and different types of ammo to fit them from balls to little suction cup arrows.

The attendant hands me a large toy Nerf gun and shows me how to load it. He then straps a belt on me and loads that with a smaller toy gun and the different balls that go with it.