“No.” Willa sits across from me in the Drexton Dining Hall, eating her salad on Pizza Friday.

Who eats a salad on pizza Friday?

“Not happening, Luca. I’m not giving you her number.” I’ve been begging for two days.

“Kandace and I are friends. She’s my tutor! I don’t see what the big deal is.” I look around, avoiding any eye contact with her. What I’m saying is half true, technically. She tutored me, even if it was only for one test.

“If you’re friends, then why doesn’tshegive you her number?” Willa has a good point.

“I haven’t seen her, to ask for it. I’m sure she would if she could.” I make a better point.

“Ok, then next time I see her, I’ll give heryournumber.” Willa makes an even better point.

Damn her!

“You’re killing me.” I sigh.

I’m dropping it before she gets mad. There’s a limit to how far I can push Willa’s buttons and I’m getting dangerously close to it. If I distract her, then I can swoop back in for more.

“Are you still planning a birthday party for Vic?” I ask, hoping she’ll warm up if I show some interest in her plans that I still think are a horrible idea.

“Yes, it’s next weekend. Don’t worry, it's not a surprise.” She quickly adds. “It’s a regular party, but we invited everyone. He insisted on making it big.”Of course he did.“And it’s at the Kappa house instead.”Of course it is.

I attempt not to roll my eyes, opting to look down at my supreme pizza with peppers, onions, and whatever else that stuff is. It’s healthy if there are veggies on it, right?

“His frat brothers have taken over most of the planning,” Willa says as she too looks down at her healthy salad to avoid showing her disappointment. “They wanted to move it to their house. It’ll be better that way.”

She’s letting them take over and change all her plans. I’d step in to help, but she’s right. It is better that the asshole ruin his own party rather than ruin a party Willa worked so hard to plan out.

“I got all the decorations.” Her voice brightens. “He’s going to love them.”

“That’s great.” I nod. “I’ll ask Kandi if she’s going. What’s her number again?”

“Nice try, Luca. You want that number, you’re going to have to ask her yourself.”


Willa informs me about their plans and about all the games they’re going to set up. She never gave up Kandi’s number.

After lunch, I head straight for the gym. Most of the team are there already working out after having a practice early this morning and we have an early game tomorrow. Like most of them, I keep my Fridays light or open with no classes. My mission today is to get Kandace’s number.

So far, I’ve had no luck with any of the Delta’s I tracked down. I spot Penny on the treadmill. No Kandace with her this time, and it’s perfect. I haven’t asked Penny yet.

“Hey, Pen! How’s it going?” I slap on my brightest, most innocent smile.

She’s hardly breaking a sweat, doing a leisurely walk.

“Hi Luca-duke, you’re blocking my view.” I step aside and follow her gaze to Jerrick, the gym manager, helping a new member out. “What can I do for you?”

“Jerrick’s a jerk. You don’t want him,” I tell her, still keeping the view of him open to stay on her good side.

“Doesn’t mean he’s not nice to look at.” She smirks and licks her bottom lip.


Not her, Jerrick. Jerrick is gross.

He’s all kinds of arrogant and tries to talk hockey with us as if he plays. The guy has never even touched a hockey stick. I need to stick to business. The business of coercing Kandace’s number out of her friends.