“Listen, Kandi gave me her number for tutoring purposes. I need all the help I can get, but I seem to have lost it.” I shrug with an innocent pout. “Can you give me her number?”

She laughs with her head thrown back before I could even finish my spiel.

“Good one. You expect me to believe Kandi gave you her number?” Another loud, head tilting laugh. “Is tutoring code for sex on our patio?” She lowers her voice to a whisper and winks at me.


Who else knows? I told no one. Not one soul. Is Kandace talking about me?

“Oh, so she’s talking about me.” My voice gets low and seductive. I’m pulling out all the stops.

Penny and I hooked up two years ago. I can sway her with some light flirting.

“No, I walked out to find sleeping beauty in your jacket. The condom on the ground looked a little empty.” She eyes my package with a grin. “Having a little trouble there?”

“Fuck, no!” I forgot to look for that condom. “There was a second one.”

I’m getting defensive, and my flirting isn’t getting me anywhere. This is what happens when you sleep with most of the willing girls in school. They no longer fall whim at my simple flirtatious advances. I used to be able to flip my hair and get a swoon from Penny. Now, she barely glances my way.

“Help me out here,” I plead with her, giving up on being subtle.

“Although, I think it’s cute you’ve been sending her flowers and crushing on her. Very cute. I’m a sucker for a love story.” She shrugs. “But I’d rather not get killed because I gave Kandi’s number out. The last to do that was one of our freshmen and she got a lecture, a threat, and was still on cleanup duty. I’m not one for cleaning toilets, and I won’t get off as easily as her, since I should know better. She’s lucky Kandi had you to get the kid to lie off. That week was hell.”

“So, you should thank me then?” I don’t see the problem here. The Delta’s should reward me for saving them from Kandi’s wrath. “I know the perfect way to do that, and all it entails is ten digits.”

“Nice try, but I like not getting my boobs punched.” She stops the treadmill.

Huh, is that what girls do? My mind immediately goes to Delta Nu’s fighting, by boob punching each other. I bet Kandi has a mean right hook.

“Good luck.” Penny pats my chest and walks away.

Penny was my last hope. Now it makes sense why the others looked scared and nervous that I was asking for Kandi’s number. They were all being loyal to their Vice President.

My next step is knocking on her door.

Showered with some good clothes that accentuate my muscles. A pair of snug jeans and a form-fitting thermal shirt. Along with a pink carnation in hand. I’m on her front porch, putting all my aspirations on the line.

Penny said the flowers were cute, so I’m sticking with it. I need as many assists as I can get. I’m usually the one blocking the shots from getting into the zone, but right now, I’m the one looking to score. Kandace is blocking me back better than I ever could.

After checking my hair in my reflection on the door, I knock. Callie answers with half her hair curled and the other straight and clipped up.

“What up, lover boy?” She looks me over, noting the flower in my hand. “Isn’t it a little light out for a porch sexcapade?”

“I’m always down for some witnesses. I’d put on a good show.” I’m a flirt. I can’t help myself. I back away from the door frame, putting myself in check. “Is she home?”

“Yup. But she’s not going to want to see you.”

“And why is that?” I put on just a bit of charm.

Callie squints at my hair, then reaches up to touch it. She fixes something before lowering back down from her toes.

“Was it out of place?” I ask, trying to check what she did in my reflection behind her. I smoothed it out good and put it up in a nice bun before coming here.

“No, it was too perfect. Messy is better on you, and Kandi will like it better this way.” She sighs, looking back over her shoulder. “Be yourself. And don’t hurt her.” She motions to give her a minute and closes the door.

A couple of minutes later, there are loud whispers behind the door, but I can’t see anything through the small stained glass window.

“Callie, I’m going to murder you.” I recognize Kandace’s voice even when it’s hushed.