“Hot date?” I ask, trying to start up any conversation with her I can. She’s actually talking to me, even if it was as my tutor. I’ll take it.

“No, Penny wants me to pick up food.” She puts her phone away and looks past my shoulder. “It appears her and Callie have the munchies. I have to run to the store for them. It’s the Vice President’s duty to take care of her sisters.” She rolls her eyes before hiking her bag over her shoulder.

“Want some company? I have to restock my stash.” I’m itching to spend more time with her. It’s a stretch, but just maybe she’s warming up to me.


And she’s out the door. No further explanation or any remnant of decently letting me down. A bluntno,and she whisks herself out of the room.

I wasn’t lying when I said I had to replenish my stash. I keep a secret bin under my bed with chips and cookies. Alex found it, and in his state of depression, has wiped me clean out. Plus, I want to check on getting a new curtain for our room.

After running back to the house with the guys, I drove myself over to the closest cheapest superstore. They have everything there, and I’m in the cookie aisle when I hear Kandace coming around the corner.

“Callie, that is so gross. You’re not going to eat Oreos, peanut butter, and ice cream on a bagel at once.” She sees me and her voice lowers. “Just so you know, it’s gross. Yeah, whatever I’ll get it. Yes, and I got the pound cake. I don’t know how good it is. I picked the first one I saw. Deal with it.”

I keep my gaze on the cookies. Oreo’s sound good.

“Why are you following me?”

“I’m not,” I say after taking a second to realize she had hung up the phone. “I was being honest. Alex’s girl problems have deeply affected my stash of junk food.”

“Whatever.” She grumbles under her breath and grabs the chips ahoy before looking over in front of me.

I’m not budging.

She clears her throat.

I’m not moving an inch. I’ll do anything for her to keep talking to me, even if I have to piss her off.

“Do you think the double stuffed is better? I hear it’s technically only one and a half stuffed.” I think I heard that somewhere.

“It is only one and a half stuffed.” She grinds the words out. “Now, can you–”

“Really?” I stop her. “I knew it! Those cheats. What about the golden ones? Ever try those?”

“Yes. They're not as good as the Vienna Fingers, which arewayover there.” She points further down, trying to get me to move out of her way.

“Nah, I think classic is better.” I pick up the package of Oreos, but stop to read the nutrition facts.

It’s best to keep an eye out for these things. I am training to be a professional hockey player.

“Maybe I should get reduced fat. I have been feeling a little chunky.” I pat my stomach for effect.

“Please,” she scoffs. “You’re fine. Now, move so I can get some.”

“Oh? Howfineam I?” I wiggle my eyebrows with a smirk.

I saw her staring at my abs at the gym that day. When she’s blindfolded, she runs her hands up and down them as if she’s committing the feel of them to her memory, letting each one burn into her fingertips. Yeah, she likes them.

“Oh my god. I’m not in the mood for this.” She bends down and reaches in front of me, grazing against my thigh. I let out an appreciative moan, admiring her ass. “Seriously?” She snaps up fast to leave.

I grab her arm to stop her from leaving. I don’t want to upset her.

“I’m sorry. I’m just joking.” I have to show her I’m not that guy. I’m not a dickhead. “Listen, I am going to be completely open and honest with you.”

She pulls back, reminding me I’m still holding on, and I immediately let go. I can’t stop touching her, and it bothers her. Unless she’s blindfolded and no one’s around. Then, I can touch her all I want.

I’m trying to be good. Gaining her trust means not touching her when she doesn’t want to be touched. No matter how much I know she wants it deep down inside her.