“I’m disclosing my full intentions here. I’m not trying anything.” She nods that she understands what I’m saying. “I want you to trust me. I can’t figure out why you hate me or what I did to hurt you.”

She lets out a loud scoff. “What didn’t you do?”

“C’mon Kandace, I know there’s got to be one specific thing I did, that you won’t get over. Tell me what it is.” There’s something she’s not telling me. It’s something I did that she’s not willing to forgive.

She’s silent, giving me nothing.

“Fine,” I say, giving in to her silence. “You don’t have to say, but I’m going to gain your trust, and then we can have some fun as friends, right?”

She glares at me, but I’m using everything I just learned to get to her.

“What else do those girls want you to pick up?” I ask, but she tries to wave me off and heads to the next aisle. “I’m going to follow you around, so you might as well let me help.”

“Why won’t you give up?” She groans, but pulls out her phone and starts rattling off a long list. “Chips, salty and baked. Popcorn, extra butter.”

We’re in the chip aisle and I grabbed everything she’s calling out. Next is candy. That was a long list of different M&M’s and chocolates. I almost forgot to pick out ones for my stash.

“Are they really going to eat this much?”

“You offered. Don’t complain.” She doesn’t even look up, still refusing to make any eye contact. “Next is bagels.”

“What’s that for?”

“I don’t know. Some kind of cookie ice cream sandwich Callie made up. It’ll be good for breakfast, and I really don’t care at this point.”

I pick up a package of Ho Ho’s from the end cap as we pass them.

“What are those for?” She asks as I put them in my basket.

“My secret stash that I keep under my bed. Alex likes the Ho Ho’s.” I snicker.

“That’s better than stashing Ho’s under your bed.” She laughs.

I grin at her and the small connection we make, but she moves on quickly. Completely dismissing any sort of bond we could form.

“What’s next on your list?” I ask, catching up to her.

“Tampons, but I need to switch to a cart.” She strains and shifts her basket from one arm to the other.

“Lead the way.” I step in and whisk it off her arm.

She goes right to the carts by the door and takes the basket from my hand before I can help her put it in. The knight in shining armor act is not helping me.

“Super is good for when I have a really heavy flow.” She tries embarrassing me by picking out multiple sorts of tampons as we get the rest of the items on her list.

I have two older sisters. It takes a lot to embarrass me. They used to send me to the store by myself to get it for them.

“I think the ultras might fit better.” I grab a box and toss it in with her other stuff.

She rolls her eyes at me and tightens her lips together.

“I need to check out the bedding area.” I steer her cart before she can protest and get out of our shopping trip.

“I thought you weren’t going to try anything?” She stumbled after me.

I smirk back at her. Does she really think checking out the bedding is code for something?

“I need your help.” I clap, looking at all the sheets lined on the shelf. I figured I’d have better luck in the kid’s section for hockey themed. “Alex and I have this sheet that separates our room. It’s in dire need of an upgrade. Something that screamshockey hunks on the prowl! Or something like that.” I’ve given this a lot of thought. I’m thinking of school colors, hockey masks, or wolves similar to a husky.