I close the door with a sigh, but immediately get confronted by Chelsea. She takes one look over my appearance. The fleece hockey jacket in one hand and the condom in the other.


Her face has disgust written all over it.

“Some things never change,” she says before heading up to her room.

The movie credits are rolling and half the girls are asleep. The other half are up and chatting away, ignorant of my presence and sneaky escape up to my room.

I threw away Luca’s note, but I couldn’t throw the flower away. It’s too pretty to throw in the garbage. Instead, I found a tall glass and filled it with water.

This is the best I’ve felt in a long time.

I feel relaxed, refreshed, and even happier since the beginning of the semester. All I needed was some fresh flowers to lighten up my room. Or some hot, erotic sex on the covered patio outside.

Whichever it was, I got a much needed good night's sleep.

And there will be no more sex with Luca. That was a special gift to him for helping me out with the clingy freshman. Nothing more than that.

The flowers brightening up my room will have to do.

Chapter 14


The new light of day brought out the realization that I need to keep as far away from Luca Kingivson as I can get.

What was I thinking?

I can’t see a Jeep without looking to see if it’s him.He doesn’t drive a pink Jeep, Kandace! Stop checking if it’s him.

Someone walks by with a Huskies shirt or jacket on?Nope! Stop looking.

The scrawny kid with the same blonde hair? Yeah, I don’t know where my head is.

Turns out the guys were away for games all this week. That’s why he came and left when he did. The next day, they were off for a long travel week. I got that scoop from Willa.

To keep my mind off of him, I focus on school, Delta Nu Vice President duties, and my job at the student center. Being busy is helping me move forward and get through this semester.

So far, my Delta Nu duties have been to create a new rotational chore list, and to stop a couple of Delta’s from fighting the Beta’s over some boy playing them all. Those boys aren’t worth your time, ladies. But the catty fights never stop at this school.

Penny and I handled that one great together. I think we also recruited a new Biscuit Bunny to follow in our footsteps. We get a bad rep from some jealous girlfriends or little gold diggers who think they can run with us. Our small group has never tried to force any of the guys into a relationship with a fake pregnancy like some of those girls. And we have never hooked up with or flirted with any guy who has a girlfriend or is in aknownrelationship.

I got accused of that once. I flirted with Nick Miller while very intoxicated at a hockey party. I didn’t know he was in some kind of relationship with that girl, Lenny. All I did was flirt. He’s hot and, as far as I was aware, completely single. As soon as I found out, I moved along.

Word of advice: Don’t hide your relationships. If someone is hiding it, then you know it’s not real, or that person is cheating.

We thought about changing our group's name again to differentiate ourselves, but we already got matching bunny tattoos. That doesn’t go away. We used to be very well respected. I used to be respected by all those guys, but these younger guys don’t seem to understand the meaning of respect.

This semester I’ve been avoiding the hockey house like a plague to avoid the actual plague that is Luca Kingivson, but it’s also because I’m over all the hockey players that are left. All the good ones have gone, leaving behind the ones that don’t know how to treat a woman. When did guys get like that? Or have they always been that way and I was too young and naïve to notice?

Avoiding their parties has been easy. If I’m not handling Delta Nu business in my role as Vice President, I’m focusing on my job at the center. Making sure students are prepared for their tests and projects. They’ve even asked me to tutor some students for the first time this year.

Being a tutor means extra work, but also extra cash. That’s exactly why I jumped at the offer to tutor three students in Child Psychology. For one, I loved Child Psychology, and two, because three students equals triple the pay.


I don’t even ask who the students are until I get my assignment information right before heading to the study room in the library.