“Hi, Luca. I’m fine. You don’t have to call me every day.” See what I mean.
“I know mom, I miss you.”
“Yeah, sure.” She gave birth to me. She knows me better than I know myself. There’s no fooling her.
“Your father and I are going to the lake today with the neighbors. I’m getting ready to head out. I’ll talk to you tomorrow, ok?”
She hesitated at the end. She used to say“ok, son?”Now, she can’t say the last word.
“Ok, mom. Have fun!” Short and sweet, but at least I did it.
“Luca!” Willa calls out from the end of my block, waiting for me.
I give her a quick hug and kiss on the cheek after not seeing her for a week once I reach her.
“To what do I owe this pleasure?” I ask, getting right to it.
“Nothing, I can’t walk with my best friend to class?” She nudges my shoulder, but I give her a look to call her out.
“Fine! I haven’t seen you in a week, since you were doing yourFree Ball ‘N Run.I wanted to check in with you.”
I still think it’s a fantastic idea, except for the definite chafing.
“I’m good. The house is kind of down lately, but surprisingly, I haven’t been drinking.” I know that’s really what she wants to know. She was up my ass about it all last year.
“Good! I’m thinking of having a surprise party for Vic’s birthday.”
“Bad idea, Willa.” I immediately shut that down. The guy would show up extremely late and disappear several times. She needs to get her head out of her ass.
Speaking of fine asses, Kandace runs up to us as soon as we reach the quad. I can’t help but be awestruck by her beauty. The sun reflects off her red hair, blinding me as it flows around her face. Her ripped skinny jeans are hugging her curves and her off the shoulder sweater is revealing the small tattoo on her shoulder of a bunny. It’s rare that she shows it off. I feel lucky every time I see it. And her plumb pink lips are just begging for my own to press against them.
“Willa! Hey, girl.” She greets with a bright smile as she links arms with her to walk with us.
Willa is a deer caught in headlights, not understanding what’s going on.
Kandace ignores me.
“Hi Kandi. How’s your ass?” I ask with a big grin. She doesn’t even glance in my direction, but I see her eyebrows furrow. She’s not at all amused.
“Uh, Kandi, what’s going on?” Willa asks as Kandace oddly caresses her arm.
“Just go with it.” She sneers and looks over her shoulder.
I glance back and notice a young, tall guy staring at her ass. He looks familiar, but I can’t place him. I’m about to tell him to avert his eyes when Kandace speaks again.
“I fucked the guy behind us, and he’s a stage one clinger. A fucking freshman.” I can’t stop the snort that comes out. At least she looks at me for a very brief second. “I told him I was in a serious relationship.”
Now, I burst out laughing, unable to hold it back.
“You saw both of us walking by and you told him you were dating Willa? Instead of saying you were dating me?” I say it low enough that the guy can’t hear, but I still get a smack from Willa. They don’t get it. “First of all, he’s never going to believe it’s serious when you’ve already had sex with him. Second, you just gave him another fantasy to imagine. And third,” a good argument is always made with three points. “Caressing her arm proves nothing.”
She knows I’m right, but still ignores me.
“Shit, he’s still behind us.” Kandi looks around and stops. “I’m so sorry baby, please forgive me.” She caresses Willa’s arm again and then pulls her in for a kiss. A full-on lip sucking French kiss.
Tongue swirling around. Teeth nipping at lips.