The guy walks off looking disappointed, but I’m left staring at them, not able to pull myself away.
They finally break apart after what feels like the same amount of time as a video I frequently watch when I’m alone. It looked similar to it as well.
Kandi looks around again before wiping a smidge of saliva off the corners of her plump lips and fixes the pink lipstick with a small mirror from her bag.
“Fuck me,” I groan, trying to tamper down my growing erection as I stare at her. I think every guy walking by got a semi from that.
The girl is a fucking sex goddess, and she just amped that up tenfold. Not only because she was kissing Willa, who by any guy’s standards is hot in her own way, but that kiss was something straight out of every guy’s fantasy. If I had to compare it, I’d put it above the kiss from that old movie my sisters used to watch,Cruel Intentions. That kiss has a permanent place in my bank I keep for special private occasions. It may have just been replaced.
“I don’t know if I should vomit or whack off.” I swallow back the drool about to come out of the corner of my mouth.
“You’re disgusting!” Willa snaps.
I am, but the corners of Kandi’s lips twitch as she hides her grin.
“I’m sorry. I had to do that, and it worked!” She grins and shimmies her shoulders. “He’s gone. Thanks, Willa!”
“Is it my turn now?” I call out as Kandi sways her hips off to class. I get nothing but a head shake.
I shake the thoughts out of my head to come back to reality.
“You’re gross. I’m like your sister.” Willa slaps my arm.
“Which is why I wanted to vomit. Tell me though, isn’t she a fucking phenomenal kisser?” Willa rolls her eyes at me. “I’m so fucking jealous of you right now. Please, tell me how good it was. Give me anything.”
I hound Willa some more, but she’s more respectable than me. She gives me nothing. Not even an agreeable nod.
I’ll just have to imagine it some more, only without Willa in the picture.
Alex and I are in the same business law class, and it’s rough. Especially with how mopey he’s been for the last two weeks. I wanted to rely on his brain to get me through it. It’s the only reason I took the class, but then we both failed our first quiz.
Lucky for us, we both know a law student who tutors at the library for some extra cash. I head over to meet them right after class.
Bridget is sitting with Alex and reaches over the table to rub his arm as soon as I walk in. Bridget is Alex’s sister, Lenny’s best friend, and he needs someone he’s close with to talk to who isn’t an inept at love dope like me.
They’re having a heart to heart about his relationship and state of mind, and I take my time to not interrupt them, sticking behind a shelf and pretending to look for a book. I’m more of the guy you come to for a fun time, and that’s not the best person to help him lately.
Glancing over, I see a pair of legs attached to a pair of voluptuous hips and a tiny waist standing in the middle of the aisle I slipped into. Kandace’s red hair is up and hanging down just past her shoulders. I can’t resist and give it a quick tug.
She jumps back and knocks into the book shelf, dropping the few books she was holding.
“Fuck,” she gasps. The look of shock quickly turns to hate as she eyes my hair. Not my face. No, she refuses to look directly at that.
I laugh and help her pick up the fallen books.
Some on bad karma, healing powers of crystals, exorcism, and a book on ocean animals.
“Doing some light reading?” I hold out the marine life book and scan through it. She reaches out, but I pull it away.
She was holding that book on top of the others when I found her, but was peeking through the shelf not reading it. We’re in the biology section, so who is she hiding from?
I stand when she gathers the rest of the books and notice Mr. Stage One Clinger sitting down at a table pretending to read. He keeps looking all around with his leg shaking and his hands fidgeting. He’s waiting for her. Have we moved on to stage two?
I knew that little stunt wouldn’t work. I’d guess it worked for a day. It sure as hell wouldn’t have worked on me.
“Did you look for a book on curbing freshmen hormones?”
She makes a small glance my way, but quickly walks away from me. I follow her, because I can’t stop myself. It’s an invisible leash she has that tugs me along wherever she goes.