Kandace and I both scoff at her at the same time. She knows it as well as I do. It’s fucked up that Willa still defends him. I’d bet my life that the rumor was true at some point.

Willa narrows her eyes at us. “You two both think the worst of people. You really are perfect for each other.”

She storms off, leaving me and Kandace alone in the middle of the Beta lawn. Her back visibly stiffens from Willa’s accusation, but I’ve already known it to be true.

“Kandace.” I need to say something. Willa is right, we are perfect for each other. Why is she fighting fate? “I’m sorry for saying you’re invisible and for whatever else I called you.”

Anger flashes from her eyes for the briefest moment when she meets my gaze before she heads to the Delta house. I try to stop her, but she shakes me off.

“Please, hear me out. I’m sorry for saying any of the stuff I said last year. I’m sorry for hurting you.” I keep up with her, begging her in any way I can. “I’m trying to give you space so we can figure it out. I was in an awful place, and half the time I didn’t even know what I was saying or doing. Please, talk to me.”

She doesn’t even turn around. I’m standing at her side until she walks through her door and slams it in my face. She never even looked at me.

I slam my forehead and fists to the door. Frustrated with myself and the way I acted. I’m even more frustrated that she won’t give me a chance to redeem myself.

Why can’t she see I’m trying? We have something. When we were blindfolded and didn’t know each other's names or faces we had a connection. It was cosmic. A connection so deep it only comes once in a lifetime.

This is our shot.

But she doesn’t care about that night one bit.

“Go home, Luca!” Willa shouts out of her window. She can’t even see me, but Kandace must’ve texted her.

I leave. I ran home without looking back. Alex was right. I should’ve stayed away. Nothing has changed yet, and I squashed any space I was giving her.

Chapter 11


I’m running out of incense to burn, and Luca still finds ways to get close to me.

My visits to that store are becoming a weekly outing. I need to find something else. A blessing? A spell?

None of that shit will work. At least, I don’t have to go spying on my cheating boyfriend like Willa.

She called me up, saying a Beta told her Vic had a date tonight with some girl she knew. They thought Willa and Vic had broken up. She quickly found out where the date was going to be and we followed him. Only to find him at the movies with a couple of his frat brothers like he told Willa he’d be.

I jumped at the chance to go with her. I’ve been waiting to catch him in the act, and I would never want Willa to do that alone. It’s possible he blew the girl off at the last minute. Maybe the Beta who told Willa got the date wrong. There’s no doubt in my mind he’s cheating on her, but Willa needs more proof than that.

My phone rings as I’m looking up different candles I can buy online that promise better fortune. My next choice is aromatherapy, to clear myself of whatever curse has been cast upon me.

It’s a number I don’t recognize. I quickly think of who it could be, but answer before it goes to voicemail.

“Hi, Kandi?” It’s a male voice I recognize, but it’s not as deep as Luca’s. Which has deepened over the summer. Otherwise, I would've immediately recognized who I was tied to.

I’m good at recognizing voices.

“Yes,” I bite. I don’t give my number out. Only my close friends have it, that and my sorority sisters.

“Oh, thank god.” He lets out a deep sigh. “It's Max.” His voice gets a little deeper, but I’m still not sure who it is. “From Saturday night. We, uh, you know, in the Delta house.”

Oh, that guy!It all clicks.

I’m usually good with names too, but seeing Luca there threw me off. I thought for sure he was going to come up to me and ruin my night. I dragged the hot boy I just met inside and took him down to the basement to rid all thoughts of Luca that were creeping in. I may have dazed off when he said his name.

Now, how did he get my number?

“You mean we fucked? Had sex? Do you like boinked better?” He laughs nervously. He’s a sophomore, right? At least a sophomore? “What can I do for you?” I ask to get whatever this is over with.