That’s what I get for rushing out.

They look like shorts, just extra breezy. I can totally rock this look. At least I have a shirt on.

Banana boxers, white high tube socks below my knees and an orange tee shirt that saysSqueezeon it. Topped off with my lucky hot pink scrunchy, one of my nieces gave me. They give me a new scrunchy every time I see them, ever since I grew the top of my hair out. Most are in crazy colors or have little designs on them.

It’s not a horrible look. At least, I remembered to slip on my running shoes.

I come to the street with all the sororities on it when I notice Willa talking to someone on her front lawn. They both have their hoods up, and her friend has her back to me, but I know that ass. I’d know that ass from five hundred miles away. If I could see that far.

Willa’s eyes widen as I get closer.

“Hey. What’s up?” I ask, after pausing my music.

“Why are you jogging in your boxers?” Willa ignores my question.

Kandace ignores me and shifts away, but I notice her glance at my junk before she returns her back to me.

Look all you want, girl. You’ll be seeing so much more of it soon.

“Luca!” Willa yells to get my attention. “Are you high or something?”

“No, I’m just trying to get my energy out.” I do some in-place jogging to demonstrate.

Kandace stifles a laugh hidden in her dark hood.

“Oh my god, Luca. I can hear it slapping around in there. Please, stop.” Willa begs and I oblige.

My balls were getting slapped around a bit too much from my high kneed performance.

The cutest snort comes out of Kandace’s hidden face. She’s refusing to make herself known.

“Are you drunk? Nothing explains why you don’t have shorts or pants on.” Willa’s still hung up on the whole boxer thing, ruining my vibe.

“I’m not drunk,” I grumble at her. “I ran out of the house and forgot to put pants on. It actually feels really nice. I may make this a nightly thing. I’ll call it Boxer Jogging or Free Ball‘n Run.”

“Title of your sex tape.” Kandace mutters from inside her hood, but quickly covers it with a cough.

I’m grinning, trying to get a glimpse of her face, but she refuses to turn toward me even the slightest bit. She’s purposely avoiding showing her face, but I see her. I see her with my eyes closed. Everywhere.

And I want to scoop her up and show her what my sex tape would really entail. Then she’d get a good look at me. But I hold myself back, heeding Alex’s words to give her space.

I should still apologize. I hurt her. She deserves an apology.

It’s not even cold out. Why is she wearing a hoodie? She never wears hoodies, even on the coldest days. That’s when I notice Willa is also wearing the same black hoodie.

“What are you two up to?” I’m usually better at observing the situation, but Kandace has completely blinded me. Her scent. Her ass. Everything about her is distracting and keeping me from seeing what’s right in front of me.

“Nothing. Go back home and get pants on.” Willa’s trying to get rid of me.

“Willa-bean, what kind of mischief are you up to?” I give her a knowing look, prying the truth out of her.

“Fine,” she groans. “I was trying to spy on Vic.”

“What’d he do now?” Any good mood I had is immediately gone. I’m going to kick that guy’s ass. That’s how I’ll get the rest of my energy out. “Where is he?”

That gets me a brief glance from Kandace. A quick side eye that she covers as fast as she looks.

“Nothing,” Willa snaps, getting defensive. “He did nothing. I heard a rumor. We checked it out, and it was fake. This is why I didn’t tell you. You immediately jump to conclusions about him. He’s not that bad of a guy.”