“That’s a big request.” I try to pull back.

Am I that afraid of commitment? Yes, yes I am.

“I never pictured myself as the wife of a hockey player.” I laugh it off.

“I didn’t ask you to be my wife.” He smirks. “You’re more than my girlfriend. You’re everything to me and you can be whatever you want to be. Anywhere you want to be. But I want you to be with me. Chase me for once.”

“I graduate in six months.” I have no idea what to say and I’m just rolling out facts, thinking why this can’t work.

“And I’ll be waiting for you.”

“Knock, Knock!” Penny pounds on the door, making me jump. “Dinner is ready.”

“Will you two love birds be joining us?” Callie calls through the closed door. “Or do you prefer room service?”

“We’ll be right out!” I yell back at them.

“I don’t need you to realize it now.” He squeezes my hand when I sit up. “But I already know the answer.”

He grins before popping up and bouncing through the door.

“No.” Dani looks us over as we come to the dining table that’s set up between the kitchen and living room. “They didn’t have sex. I can tell.”

“Really?” Penny does her own assessment, ignoring my seething glare. “They were in there long enough.”

“What? Ten minutes?” Callie questions next. “Our president needs more time than that.”

“Ok, knock it off.” I warn them.

“Is that a challenge?” Luca puts down the utensils he grabbed to take some of the pasta Renna made. We’re not chefs over here. Most of what we had was frozen pizza and a box of Mac and cheese. Surprisingly, the cabin had some nonperishable food in case of storms like the one we just had. The addition of our extra guests had them scouring the cabinets.

“I can do it in two minutes.” He leans forward, taking the nonexistent bait.

“That’s not a good thing.” Carter laughs at him.

“Not myself, but I can make Kandi come in two minutes.”

“No you can’t.” I slap his arm to stop him.

“Challenge accepted.” He declares. “Place your bets. Who’s in?”

“That was not a challenge.” I roll my eyes at him, but I’m being quickly overruled.

“No way.” Callie shakes her head. “I give you five minutes at least.”

Luca points to her with a nod.

“There is no bet!” I try to stop them.

“I think he can do it.” Penny bounces in. “I have faith in him.”

“Dani?” He turns to the one that started this all.

“Will you all stop?” I try again, but go unheard.

“I don’t even think ten minutes is enough time.” She scoffs with a challenging stare off, completely ignoring me.

“I agree.” Carter chimes in. “Sorry, but I don’t have that much faith in my teammate.”