I could just make out their conversation, and it’s exactly what I deserve. Luca is leaving. He loves me, but what have I given him?

Making myself busy, I clean the room and make the bed.

“Kandace,” Luca knocks as he opens the door. “What are you doing?”

“Making the bed.” I don’t even look up. I can’t.

“Want to talk?” He stands at the edge of the bed, trying to get me to look at him.

“We talked enough this morning,” I say, tucking in the sides of the sheet and smoothing the comforter down more aggressively than necessary. I’m pulling in all my strength to not freak out and doing this small task is helping.

Luca swan dives right into the middle of the bed and starts making a reverse snow angel in the covers with his face pressed into the mattress. He pops his head up and clumsily flips to his side. Rustling up the comforter as much as he can.

“Why make it when we’re just going to rough it up again?” He winks.

“I didn’t mean to eavesdrop.” I come right out with it. He knows I heard something. I ran into Carter and he asked them what happened to me. “I was walking out and overheard what you said, and I froze.”

“Ok,” Luca nods, and reaches out to me. “I wanted to tell you. I didn’t find out until yesterday.”

“Hey,” I start repacking my clothes in my bag. “We had an end date. Nothing has really changed. And we weren’t exactly talking before you barged in here this morning.”

“Kandace,” Luca sits up against the headboard, but I keep fiddling with the clothes in my bag, looking for nothing. “Do you want me to stay?”

“No.” I snap around to look at him. To really look at him.

He’s full of hope with all his dreams playing out in front of him. But now there’s uncertainty. Luca is always so sure. Even when I tell him he’s wrong about me, he’s so sure I’m lying to myself. But now that his future is right in his grasp, he’s unsure about it. And that’s my fault.

“I am so happy for you. This is everything you worked for.” I climb on the bed and sit on my knees to face him. “What did we really think was going to happen? I didn’t even think about it.” He moves the loose strand of hair that fell from my loose ponytail, letting his palm linger on my cheek. “We didn’t know it’d be this quick, but I’m graduating soon. I assumed you were staying to graduate, but you could’ve left at any time.”

“I bargained with them for me to stay this long.” He grins with only his left dimple showing. Not a full smile. “I’m not leaving you.”

“You are.” I lean over him. “You can’t keep chasing me, but we have tonight, and however long until you have to leave.”

I press my lips to his, savoring their taste. Softly molding them to mine as he lays back down, taking me with him. His tongue slides in as his large hand smooths over my hip and up under my shirt. The heat from his touch warms and soothes my cold heart.

I will never love a man the way I do Luca. His persistence got to me, but he saw I was worth it. He sees the real me, and isn’t running away. He makes me believe in something I lost so many years ago. Life is pulling us apart, but maybe there will be a second chance for us. I have to hold on to that hope, no matter how untrue it is.

“Marry me.”

I jolt away and my eyes snap open to look at him. “What?”

“Come with me.” His eyes stare right through me, locking mine in place.

“That’s not…” I shake my head in disbelief. I know what he said.

“After you graduate, come to me.” He tightens his hold around me, stopping me from sitting up. “Or I’ll find a way to get to you.”

“You said it yourself. You can’t keep chasing after me. I can’t give you what you need.”

Luca needs someone that will love him open heartedly without any hesitations. That’s not me. He’ll find someone that gives their all to him.

“What I said?” He questions me with his brows furrowed before they shoot up to his hairline. “Did you hear the rest?”

“That was the last, and I ran back when I heard Carter coming out.” I shake my head. “But I completely understand.”

“I said that sarcastically. That’s what Willa told me when we fought about her and Vic. I didn’t listen.” He holds me tighter. “I love you and I’ll do whatever I can to make this work. I have no plans on letting you go that easily. Come to me.”

It’s not even a question. His certainty is back, and he’s all in.