“A little warning could have been nice,” I snap back at her. “Hey Kandi, I know you like to sleep around, but stay clear of this one!”

“Hello!” Her eyes widen as she shouts back at me. “If you two wouldn’t have done it blindfolded, and without knowing each other’s names, it wouldn’t have gotten that far.”

She’s right. What the fuck was I thinking? Oh, I know what I was thinking. I was thinking, this is a sexy ass fantasy dream come true. No names. No sight. Using our heightened senses to touch and feel each other. It should’ve been a good thing.

Then it happened, and holy shit. It was the best fucking sex of my life. I’m still feeling the after effects. Effects of little shock waves running through my pussy with every step I take. I need to get that sage and rid the evil out of me.

“Why?” I raise my hands to my head in frustration. “Why did it have to be Luca? I’m sorry you’re friends with him, but come on! I fucking hate him, and now I hate him even more.”

Just thinking about the way he looked in my bed was making my blood boil and my body heat with animosity.

“His cocky- ass smirk this morning. He got me good!” I shiver from the chills running through me. “He had the nerve to say I wouldn’t get over him. Ha! Hey buddy, I was over you the moment I opened my eyes!”

“Wow. Why do you hate him so much again?” Willa looks absolutely horrified.

I’ve never hidden the fact that I hated him, but I never outwardly shouted it in the middle of the street before, either.

“Are you busy? I need to buy some sage.” Offering for her to follow and buying some time to avoid answering that question.

Not waiting for her answer, I turn to leave, but I guess it’s a no since she follows me and gets in the car.

“I thought you meant the food spice sage. Not the burning kind,” Willa says skeptically as we pull up to the shop.

It’s a small store set on its own, away from town. It’s cute, like a cottage, and has a large pentagram hanging in the window. Flowers line the front, giving it a welcoming, homey feel.

Willa tried making small talk the entire car ride over, but I turned up the music, needing to space out in order to calm down. Shouting about hating Luca was a bit much for me. And yelling about it isn’t helping the situation.

“Yeah, well, I need to burn the hockey defenseman demon from my room.”

I open the door and get hit with a waft of distinct scents. The sage is easy to find. Plus, some apple burning incense. I love the smell of fresh apples.

“Can I help you?” An older woman greets us.

She looks like the sage burning type. This is the negativity scouring through me talking. In actuality, she has this whole chic bohemian hippie vibe going for her, and may have some good advice for me.

“I’m trying to rid a very specific negative force from my life. Got anything to help with that?” I’m scaring Willa with my rashness. Honestly, I’m kinda scaring myself. I usually save this kind of craziness for when I’m with close friends. Not a nice shop owner trying to help me or a new friend I only know on the surface. I can’t believe it. I had no idea how close she was to my mortal enemy.

“What kind of negative force?” This woman is too nice to wave me off.

“To be honest, an arrogant hockey defenseman that wormed his way into my bed last night.”

Willa started choking on what must be her gum that I heard her chewing earlier.

“I see.” Wow, this woman is completely unfazed. She probably gets this a lot.

“I can’t get the stench of him out of my room no matter what I do and it’s messing with my head,” I tell her, while waving my hands around more than I should be.

“Hmm.” The woman walks around, with me following, to a rack along the wall and picks out a few different incense sticks.

“Oh, Go Away Evil! Do you think that would work?” I ask, intrigued by all the different names of specific scents they have lined up. I had no idea incense came like this.

“Is this defender evil?”



Willa and I say at the same time.