I snap a glare at her and she cowers back.

“I mean, he’s not reallyevil...” She tries to defend herself and Luca. “Like a villain. Just an unwanted presence.”

“Don’t mind her. She’s friends with him. She doesn’t see the evil side I do,” I tell the woman and move on.

I picked up the lavender scent, and am pleasantly surprised with how good it smells.

“Lavender can help attract a mate or love into your life,” she explains.

“Nope.” That one gets thrown right back in its holder. “Don’t need that one.”

The woman, who must be the owner, hands me the different incense sticks she picked out in their individual wrappers and explains their benefits.

“What are you, a witch or something?” I ask while she rings me up, noting the Wicca book on the counter.

Willa started choking again, making me wonder why I even brought her.

“No, not really, but I do have some ability of foresight. I can read people easily. You miss,” she motions to Willa. “Are being held back by a negative force. Likely a significant other that may not be supportive or in your best interests.”

“Here, here!” I agree, grinning back at Willa.

Willa’s boyfriend, Vic, has been a complete ass to her. I don’t like him at all. We talked about it, but she dismisses it as his own stress or nerves.

The guy openly hit on me when she went to the restroom. Stress or nerves, my fat ass.

“And you, my dear.” I swallow as she rounds on me. “You are closing yourself off to something. Pushing it away. Possibly out of fear. That’s usually the cause. Here,” she adds in the lavender incense. “You can have that for free since you decided against it, but I suggest burning it to let in some love from yourself.”

Willa and I ride back in silence, both shaken by our encounter. And once home, I go straight to my room burning some incense and sage, staying far away from that love shit.

I’m closing myself off to Luca, but that’s not love. I can’t argue that it’s not out of fear. I fear the shit that would come out of Luca’s mouth.

A few hours later, a knock sounds on my open door, and Willa walks in.

“Up for a frat party?” She asks and is met by a growling noise coming from my throat. I’m very much not in the mood for a party. Especially with the potential of running into any demons. “It’s not at the hockey house, and I confirmed Luca has no plans of going there. Come on Kandi, I don’t want to go by myself. It’ll be fun,” Willa pleads and I give in.

The alternative is staying in and getting whiffs of the phantom scents of Luca. That shit won’t go away! Did he rub his dick and jizz over every surface of my room?

I need to get another man in here ASAP.

Chapter 5


The one good thing about the Kappa party is… no hockey players.

But it comes with having to watch Vic flirt with every girl that moves past him and then hang all over his girlfriend, Willa, when he’s several drinks in. Meanwhile, Willa dotes on him the entire time as if he’s her king. She’s a different person around him and loses her strength.

“I can’t believe you never told me that you’re friends with him,” I state in disbelief for the tenth time since we got here.

“I thought you knew.” Willa shrugs like it’s no big deal. I’ve been declaring my hatred of her best friend right to her face.

We’re standing in the back drinking punch and watching Vic play beer pong with his friends. Vic’s team wins and Willa throws herself at him to celebrate. Cheering him on and touching him lovingly to encourage him, and all he’s doing is looking around. Watching other girls walk past him with their short skirts and low cut tops.

“Can you watch my drink? I’m going to go to the bathroom while they set up for a new game,” Willa asks me while handing over her punch.

“Sure, but it’s not a big deal if you miss a game. We can go dancing inside.” I motion to the makeshift dance floor they set up in the living room area. The last place I want to be is watching Willa cooing over Vic with his wandering eyes.

I promised I’d stay with her. I don’t break my promises, but I don't know how much more I can take.