Grabbing my gloves off the floor, I run back out.

“Renna said she saw headlights through the window, but doesn’t remember what time that was.” Carter fills me in as he backs away from the cabin.

It was Willa. I have to believe it was.

The snow is finally letting up and we can actually see in front of us again, but it’s thick on the ground and difficult for the truck to get through.

“There.” I point to the side where a car is almost fully covered except the flat back of the trunk.

Carter pulls over and we scramble out for it, immediately moving the snow off.

“Willa!” Carter bangs on the door.

The car is off and cold. We look through the windows, but it’s empty.

“Where is she?” I yell, hitting the car as if it will answer me. This is her car, but she’s not anywhere near it.

“She must’ve gotten out to walk.” Carter looks around for any clue where she would’ve gone.

“Walked?” I shout. “In the storm?”

“Yeah, look.” He shows me the driver's side door. “The snow was off on this side before I came to it. She must’ve left when it started to slow down.”

“That wasn’t long ago,” I add, and don’t waste any time walking up the road in the direction we were heading.

Carter thinks quicker than I can. He hops back into his car, slowly driving alongside of me, using his lights to shine over the road and off to the sides. The sun is rising, but the trees aren’t allowing much light to get through their thick branches. The little amount there is reflected off the snow, giving just enough visibility.

Not too far up the road, I see a green mass.

“That’s her!” I call back and make a run for it. “Willa!”

Willa is on the ground, bundled up in her dark green coat. Sitting in the snow against a tree with her knees pulled to her chest.

Carter moves faster ahead, and is crouched down beside her by the time I make it to them.

“Willa?” I croak in a panic, trying to make out if she’s still alive.

Her lips are blue and her face pale, but her body is moving. She’s shaking, barely responding to us.

“Open up the back door.” Carter barks out orders as he picks her up.

I run back to open the rear door for him. He climbs in, holding her against himself.

“Drive back to Kandi’s cabin,” he orders, and I don’t hesitate to follow his commands.

She’s alive.

She’s alive.

I keep saying the mantra over and over again while making my way back to the cabin and help them in.

I don’t know what’s happening. But all that matters is she’s alive.

We found her.

Chapter 31
