My entire body is shaking as if a current is surging through me, and it’s not from my now wet pajamas that Luca soaked with his cold wet coat.

I’m scared he’s leaving.

I’m losing him. Again.

He’s walking out that door, and I’m never going to see him again.

I wanted to beg him to stay, but he wouldn’t.

As soon as I heard Willa was missing, I started to panic. I jumped out of bed and called Jocelyn to get all the details.

I can’t believe she drove up here because of that asshole. If she doesn’t break up with him after this, I will kill him. He can’t hurt her anymore if he can’t breathe.

Jocelyn told me Luca went looking for her and my chest tightened. I thought I was having a heart attack. My first thought was that I can’t lose him.

Nothing can happen to Luca. Not Luca.

Not Willa either.

She’s his best friend, his sister. That’s all I can think about, and I feel horrible for not thinking more about Willa, but my head just keeps going back to the pain and agony on his face as he clung to me.

As soon as they left, I went to the bathroom to try to calm down and splash warm water on my face. My hands are shaking and my breath is coming in quick spurts.

Is this what a panic attack feels like?

I’ve never had one before.

“Kandi?” Penny knocks on the door. “Are you ok?”

“I’m fine.” I try my best to sound convincing.

I’m not ok, but this isn’t about me. I’m safe inside a warm cabin while one of my friends is missing in a blizzard. And the man, I’m pretty fucking sure I’m in love with, is out searching for her without any kind of snow or rescue training.

Is that what this is? Love?

I need to pull myself together. I need to be strong and be here for them to help in any way possible. They will be ok.

“I think they’re back!” Dani yells from the window, and I run out to see.

Carter’s truck pulls in, and Luca rushes out to open the back door. Carter comes out next, holding what I hope is Willa in his arms.

“Dani, get the fireplace going.” I start barking out orders, doing anything I can to help. “Penny and Renna, grab as many blankets as you can. Callie, help me move this table.” The two of us move the coffee table away from the gas fireplace that Dani put on full blast.

“Get her wet clothes off.” Carter says as he lays Willa down on the couch as soon as he comes in.

He starts disrobing himself as Callie and I slowly and carefully remove Willa’s clothes.

“Careful,” Callie says, expertly using her nimble fingers to work as quickly and safely as she can. “Watch for any injuries.”

Willa is shaking. Her body feels like ice and her face is pale except for her blue lips. Her eyes are glazed over, and I don’t think she even knows where she is.

I get down to her shoes and Willa lets out a cry of pain. I jump back, but Luca swoops in and carefully removes her shoe under Callie’s direction, to reveal a swollen and bruised ankle.

“Shit.” He sighs and moves back to let me in. “Remove her pants, but watch her ankle.”

I nod at his instruction and get back to work.

The blankets are already laid out on the floor when Carter carefully picks Willa up to lie with her in front of the fire. We got her down to her thin tank top and underwear. Callie, the only med student in our group, said it was good enough.