“Holy Shit! Drexton Hall? The hockey scout from my school came to talk to you?” I exclaim proudly.

Drexton Hall has one of the best hockey programs. That’s why I came here for journalism. I wanted to be near the best hockey program, but I never thought my little brother would play for them.

“I told you I’m good! You haven’t seen me play in a long time, Len.”

“I know. I’m sorry. I tried to get mom to take a video of you playing, but she couldn’t figure out how to keep the camera still.” It was a mess, I couldn’t see Alex or the game. “So, what do you want from me?”

I know it’s coming. Some favor he needs.

“Can I come visit? A place to stay?” He asks quickly. “Maybe some kind of introduction with anyone you know?”

I grumble.

I can let him visit, but he’s going to expect me to know people and I don’t know the scouts or the hockey administration. I told my family I was writing for the sports newsletter and left off the fact that I’ve never written about hockey. My number one goal, I kept raving about.

They don’t know that I’ve really been writing about the worst team in the school.

“Come on Len. They didn’t really talk to me. They just came to see me. I don’t know what kind of shot I have. Maybe none at all. I need help,” he begs and my gut twists in knots.

I want to help him. He’s my only little brother. It’s my job to help him.

“I can’t help like that, Alex. I don’t know any of the scouts. You can come visit, and I’ll show you around, but that’s it. You just have to wow them with your skill. Keep playing hard and show some teamwork.”

“Thanks Lenny.” He’s saying thank you, but still sounds disappointed.

I hate disappointing him.

“Listen, I know some players. I can introduce you to them.”

What the fuck am I doing?

Promising to introduce my brother to my fuck buddy is a bad idea. I just don’t want to let Alex down.

“Are you serious?” He immediately perks up. “Which ones?”


“Greg Hurst, Uh,” I pause. I can get Layla to help me out with Greg meeting my brother. “Nick Miller,” I add quietly.

Alex screams through the phone.

“Lenny! Are you friends with these guys? How did I not know this? Nick Miller is a god!” He shouts excitedly.

If only he knew.

“Ok, I have a free weekend coming up soon.” Alex goes right into planning mode.

“The team is home in two weeks,” I tell him.

They’re away for road games but in two weeks they have a weekend home game.

“Done! See you in two weeks.” And just like that, he hangs up.

Two weeks to figure out how I’m going to introduce my little brother to Nick and if Nick will even be ok with meeting him.

Or if he’s still talking to me after I branded his neck.

Panic sets in when I don’t hear from Nick in almost a week.