Layla assures me she can get Greg to do anything. So, meeting my brother is no big deal and that would be fine, but I still can’t shake my anxiety.
I’ve been doing Yoga and randomly meditating to get myself to relax at least twice a day.
“It will be ok. It’s just Alex.” I tell myself over and over again.
None of my family has come for a visit. Mom and Dad are too busy working and Alex has had no reason to before.
I still have to figure out where Alex can sleep in a house full of girls.
My room is too small for a blow-up mattress and I don’t trust him on the couch in our living room.
I also have to get us tickets to the home game that Friday night. He’s coming on Friday morning and staying until Monday morning.
I know myself and I know my anxiety is going to get worse until he gets here.
“Hey, stranger.” Nick’s deep, husky voice next to my ear sends a shiver down my back.
It’s Wednesday Gyro Day in the dining hall and of course, he’s here. I always see him here, I shouldn’t be surprised, but I still jump.
“Jesus, you gave me a heart attack,” I say, holding my hand to my chest.
The line for gyros moves forward a few steps. Nick moves right along with me.
“Getting a gyro too?” I ask, trying to break the awkward silence.
Of course, he is. It’s a stupid question.
“Yup. Gyro Wednesdays are the best.” He smirks, playing along. “Plus, it’s like our thing now.”
“Our thing? I didn’t realize we had a thing?” Especially since I haven’t heard from him since last Thursday when I texted him about how he got in my bed.
How does he always get in my bed?
He’s Nick Miller. That’s how. The rest doesn’t matter.
“Yeah, we both come to the dining hall early before the dinner rush to order a gyro. Chicken for you, because you're lame.” He teases with another panty dropping smirk. “Then we sit and bicker about how unbearably attracted you are to me.”
I cough, choking on my own saliva.
“One, I am not lame. I am smart for getting the chicken.” Cute adorable lambs did it for me. “Two, unbearably attracted? In your dreams, Miller. I have impeccable self-control.”
“Hmm, I still have the evidence to prove my case.” He pulls his Drexton Hall Huskies hoodie to the side, revealing a pink mark still showing on his neck.
Oh god.
My entire face turns red. He smirks knowingly. I hate that smirk. It turns my brain into mush.
I order my gyro and turn back to him just as Cora the Beast walks up to his other side.
“Nicholas Miller.” She says with her hands on her hips.
Nick’s head slumps a little and his eyes roll before turning to her.
“Just Nick. What’s up Cora?” He flashes her his perfect smile.
I’m stuck waiting here for my gyro. I can’t help but to listen in.
I really try not to watch, but I can’t turn away.