I dozed off while Greg drove home.

It was just a dream.

A fucking dream. Or nightmare depending on how you look at it.

Stepping out of his car, I stumble on my feet.


Tequila is the only answer to why my head is pounding and my brain feels foggy. And why I’m dreaming of ridiculous things like making out with Lenny without a care in the world of who saw it. Or as it may seem caring and wanting everyone to see.

Run.I need to run.

“Hey! Where are you going?” Greg calls out after me.

“Around the block quick!” I yell back.

He knows. We have practice in the morning and if I don’t sweat out my buzz I’ll have a shitty practice tomorrow.

I run around the first block, still thinking about my dream.

One isn’t enough. I round for the second block.

My eyes immediately dart to the Alpha Sigma Alpha house when I get to the end as if a force is pulling me there.

I have to do a double take when I see a heap of a body on the front lawn. It takes me a few seconds to register what I’m seeing. I have to turn to run back to check that my eyes aren’t playing tricks on me, but sure enough there she is.

Lenny, lying down on the front lawn, passed out.


“Lenny.” I kneel down next to her.

Her eyes are closed and she groans.

“Those damn shots.” She mumbles to herself.

I laugh, but I can’t leave her here. It’s my fault she’s here, laid out in the middle of the grass.

“Hey, wake up.” I rub her legs to wake her, but she keeps her eyes closed.

“Your hands feel so good.” She moans.

“Lenny, where are your keys? Can you stand up for me?” I say, still trying to get her to wake up.

I search the ground for them, but she shoots up her hand that’s clutching a set of keys with a rubber hockey puck keychain.


“Why didn’t you kiss me, Nick Miller?” She asks with her eyes still closed.

Lenny is way drunker than I realized. She’s a lightweight.

I stand and pull her up by her hands. She slumps into me, not able to stand on her own.

“I love your scent. That cologne is my favorite.” She mumbles while burying her face into my chest. A gurgling noise escapes her mouth. “Ugh! And sweat! I want to drink your sweat.”
