I look further up and notice how clear the sky is.

Not a cloud in sight.

Back home even on a clear night, you can’t see any stars. It’s another thing I love about being away from the city.

I lay down on our front lawn on the grass and just stare at the stars.

It makes me think of home and what I’ll be returning back to.

If I’m not able to get a real job in journalism, I’ll have nothing. I put everything into my dream of writing or broadcasting hockey.

My family thinks I’m doing great. They don’t know how I keep getting pushed back. They don’t get how competitive it is, or how being a female means there’s always people doubting you and your knowledge of the game.

No one gets it.

Chapter 19


Lenny is fucking with my head.

I wanted to just kiss her so bad tonight. Just a kiss.

Who am I?

I don’t just kiss girls, not unless we’re headed to a bedroom. With Lenny, it just feels different. She’s different.

Greg is fucking with my head too.

The entire ride home, talking about how he thinks he’s in love and how good our first double date went.

I had to remind him several times that it wasn’t a double date. Then he had to askwhy?

Not why it wasn’t a date. No!Why didn’t I kiss Lenny?

He fucking knows why.

“We weren’t on a date. I didn’t want to kiss her.” That’s my response.

“Bullshit! You wanted to kiss her so bad. I saw it!” He calls me out on my lie.

I punch Greg’s arm, lightly of course. He needs that arm, but he still whines like a girl. Then I raise the volume of the radio to shut him up the rest of the way.

Yeah, I wanted to kiss Lenny, but I can’t. I did that on Monday and then felt like a dick.

I can’t be in a relationship. Kissing her like that, all soft and sweet. Without any promise of fucking. That, and especially kissing her in public feels like a relationship.

The feel of Lenny’s soft skin under my fingertips as I graze her bare shoulder. The goosebumps forming with each circle I make. Her full pink lips shining with the clear gloss she applied. I bite my lip and lean forward pulling her in the rest of the way. I don’t take my eyes off her lips as we crash together. Right here at the table in front of everyone.

She’s wearing the same pink flowery tank top she wore to the Ale House, only we are in the dining hall at Drexton. Everyone stares at us. Even Cora from the corner of the room with a scowl on her face, but that all fades the second our lips touch.

All I wanted was that kiss. Lenny’s passionate, sensual, and real kiss. Claiming her in front of everyone feels good.

I wake up with a loud banging right next to my head.

Greg is banging on his car window from the outside.

“Wake up sunshine! We’re home!” He shouts.