“Not jealous. Just thinking of something else that’s big and juicy I can fill your mouth with.” I tease suggestively, giving her a wink.
Her eyes widen, but she recovers quickly.
Leaning in close, too close that I can smell her scent. That same scent of vanilla and what I think is coconuts. Has to be. I immediately think of the time I vacationed in Hawaii.
“You wish.” She whispers so no one will hear. “That’s not happening ever again.”
Now it’s my eyes that widen.
“What do you mean by that?” I don’t care who hears us.
“Nope, now we’re just friends.” She says back and continues working on her burger as if she didn’t just drop a bomb on me.
“Why? What changed?” I try not to sound affected by it, but fuck I’m getting pissed off.
“Our two best friends are now official.” She says it like that explains everything, but it explains nothing to me.
Realizing I’m not getting it, she sighs.
“If something goes wrong between us it affects them.” She motions to Layla and Greg who are completely engulfed in each other. “Like us fighting before. Their relationship trumps whatever benefits we had. Pure logic.”
“I didn’t agree to this.” Not happening. Nope.
“Sorry, buddy.” She pats my arm as a dig at my ego. “Two parties don’t have to agree. Not like you can make me suck your dick.”
“True.” I brush my hand against her side and sure enough, goosebumps form on her bare arm.
I lean in closer to whisper in her ear. There isn’t any reason to whisper. Layla and Greg are oblivious to anything happening around them, but I want to get a reaction.
“I don’t think you’ll be able to resist me,” I whisper in a deep groan, lingering against her.
Sure enough, more goosebumps form on her neck. She gulps and I’d bet anything her nipples are hardening with my proximity.
I sit back and drape my arm over Lenny’s chair drawing small circles on her back to keep the contact.
Lenny clears her throat and pushes her plate away before downing the rest of her beer.
“Just the check?” Lenny chokes out when the waitress comes to collect our plates.
I try not to laugh at the breathy gargle that escapes her.
Fortunately for me, Greg and Layla don’t look like they are ready to leave.
“I think we can do another round. Yeah?” Greg asks.
“Yeah.” I agree quickly before Lenny can object.
I immediately started formulating plans for us. She just threw down a challenge for me without even realizing it, and I never lose a challenge.
Chapter 18
Why are they drinking so slow?
Both Layla and Greg are milking their beers.
Nick has been nursing his too. I’ve had two more rounds, thanks to Nick who keeps motioning the waitress for more without me knowing.