I am angry and in absolute disbelief that she would lie just to get under my skin.

We’re friends. Friends don’t do that shit.

“I was just trying to not seem pathetic for not having some other guy like you have other girls to have sex with whenever you like.” She points out in disgust.

Greg coughs, trying to get us to stop.

Lenny doesn’t catch on to it.

“I was certainly not trying to make you jealous.” She scoffs as if making me jealous is beneath her.

The thing that sticks out to me is that she’s using my admission of sleeping with someone else against me. I was being honest with her. And it was one other girl, not multiple! She’s making it sound like I’m some kind of manwhore.

“I fucked one other girl. Whom I told you about, and any other girls that are throwing themselves at me are entirely your fault!” I defend myself, getting loud.

Greg kicks my shin under the table, but I ignore it.

So does Lenny. She lets out a maniacal laugh.

“My fault? Please!” She shouts back. “You walk around like god’s gift to women. They were throwing themselves at you before that article came out.”

“Stop fighting!” Layla shouts, slamming her hands on the table. “Please. I’m sorry if this was a bad idea. We thought it would be fun for all of us to hang out and watch the game.” She passes her car keys to Lenny. “Go home if you want. I get one night a week off. I want to have fun with my boyfriend and my best friend, but if you two are going to fight the entire time then just leave.”

“Sorry, Layla.” Lenny folds her menu but doesn’t take the keys. “I’m staying, mostly because you know I can’t drive stick.”

Layla laughs, immediately making the mood around us more lighthearted.

Then she turns to me. “I’m sorry I lied about having a date. I didn’t actually think you’d get jealous.”

“I wasn’t jealous.” I laugh.

“Who’s the liar now?” She challenges me, holding up her phone with the last text I sent.

I smirk and nudge her. I can’t stay mad. Yeah, I’m still kinda pissed she lied but fuck she’s right. I was jealous.

The waitress comes over and we all order some much-needed beer.

I have to remind Greg we have practice tomorrow to stop the gluttony. We got chicken nachos to share for the table and I had to practically order Greg’s grilled chicken dish to stop him from getting a burger.

Lenny has no shame and orders the “biggest burger” they have. She has a smile the entire time. Definitely ordering it out of spite since the rest of us athletes can’t indulge as much.

It’s too fucking cute watching her try to eat the damn thing.

Layla and Greg mostly ignore us for the game or each other, so I’m stuck watching Lenny trying not to get burger grease all over.

As soon as she takes a bite, the toppings fall out the other end, and grease drips from the side of her mouth.

Fuck, she’s amazing.

Real. She’s just so real, sitting here and being herself without care.

“What?” She glances at me with her mouth full trying not to laugh. “You’re staring at me.”

“I’m impressed you got that thing in your mouth.” I reach over, stealing a fry from her plate.

She swats at my hand, missing completely. I’m too quick.

“Jeez. So jealous today.” She swallows. “Jealous of my fake date. Jealous of my big juicy burger meat.”