“Friends who sleep over?” He’s trying to figure me out. He doesn’t understand anything beyond serious relationships and complete monogamy.

“Yes. I gave you the room. Be happy and don’t push it or I won’t do it again,” I threaten, completely shutting this conversation down.

It shuts him right up.

Or at least I thought it did.

Greg doesn’t quit.

“What about Cora?” Greg asks after several beats, trying to speak between his heavy breaths.

He really needs to stop eating all that junk food, his stamina is slowing too quick.

After last night, my stamina is at an all-time high. I’ve never felt this good on a run before.

“Nothing to say. Again, just friends.” I shrug and pick up the pace even more. “Come on, you need to focus on getting back into shape. You’ll never be able to have good ice time, if you're running like this.”

Greg nods and focuses on his breathing the rest of the way. He knows I’m right. I’m always hard on him but for a good reason. He needs the push and I need the silence.

I don’t want to even think about Cora.

And Lenny? Fuck.

I don’t want to make it something bigger than it is. But I can’t stop thinking about her.

Chapter 16


Layla is bouncing up and down to the music while standing behind the front desk of the gym when I get into work.

She’s beaming with an extra glow around her.

“Have a good weekend?” I ask her after clocking in.

I don’t want to tell her Greg had a girl over last night, the reason why Nick slept in my bed. It’ll just crush her.

She squeals and quickly grabs me, pulling me into a tight hug that I wasn’t expecting.

“Oh my god, Lenny!” She finally let go to answer me. “I had the best night! I stayed with Greg and we just talked and hung out and cuddled.” Layla looks up and sighs dreamily. “I really like him.”

Relief floods in, Layla is the date Greg had. Thank god.

I don’t know how she’d handle it if she wasn’t and thank god, I don’t have to find out.

Wait, she’s this excited over cuddling?

Is this the same girl I shared a room with?

I wouldn’t call her a slut or easy, but she didn’t hold out or get excited for some innocent snuggles.

A part of me is somewhat jealous.

Yeah, Nick and I had fun. It’s exciting and honestly, the best sex I’ve ever had, but I’m even more confused now.

Are we still just friends?

It feels like more when we’re together, but when we’re not I can feel the separation.