He’s made it clear several times that we’re just friends.
I still can’t help but check my phone every few minutes for a message from him. Something to show he’s thinking about me too.
As if on cue, Greg walks in the doors and none other than Nick himself comes waltzing in behind him. More like sauntering in. His head down, in his phone with his headphones in. Yup, he’s avoiding me. That’s obvious.
Greg practically skips over to the counter when he sees Layla. I can feel the love radiating off them.
It’s making me sick to my stomach.
“Hey, baby.” He leans over the counter to give her a kiss. “I know it’s only been a few hours, but I can’t help it. I miss you.”
“Aww” Layla drags out holding her hand to her heart. “I miss you too.”
Another kiss and some whispering between them. She giggles like a young teenager with a crush.
Nick taps Greg to move so he can scan his card.
Greg doesn’t even glance at him. I watch as Nick shakes his head at the two love birds before Layla scans his gym card. Nick gives me a quick nod and smirks before heading back to the locker room.
Friends. Just friends.
I roll my eyes once more at the sickening display of too much PDA before heading to the smoothie bar.
Jerrick assigned me to the smoothie bar today. He knows I hate working at the smoothie bar. It’s boring.
It never gets busy, just a few stragglers here or there and I can’t leave the counter at all unless it’s to wipe down the two small tables in front of it.
Having a full view of the open gym, I find myself staring in Nick’s direction far too often.
It’s like my eyes are drawn to him. My mind will wander off about school and a second later I’d realize I’m staring at him.
What is wrong with me?
Good god! He’s doing squats with his ass right in my direction. He has such a nice ass. Firm and tight with a perfectly small shelf.
Shit.I’m staring at him again.
I catch Nick’s face in the mirror. I may be going crazy, but it looks like he’s watching me through the mirror.
He smirks and then bites his bottom lip, making eye contact with me.
Fuck me.
He definitely knows I’ve been staring at his ass, day dreaming about holding onto it while he thrusts into me.
My face is turning red just thinking about it.
“Excuse me, can I order something?” A girl taps on the counter, trying to get my attention from the register.
“Yeah sure!” I jump over a little too eager for the distraction from my dangerous thoughts.
Out of the corner of my eye, I catch Nick laughing at me. If I wasn’t embarrassed before, I am now.
I make myself busy, cleaning around the smoothie bar, doing anything I can to keep my eyes off Nick now doing leg presses.
“Lenny!” Layla bounces over. “I just read the article! It’s so good!”