I’m begging him, but he doesn’t look like himself. He looks lost. His eyes are wild and look like charcoal pellets as they look from Jeremy to me. There’s no sign of the light gray with hints of blue and purple that I love.
“He’s not worth it. Please stop.” He looks at me like he’s seeing through me. “I’m ok.” I smooth my hand over him, trying to take away his tension. “It’s ok.”
He lets go of Jeremy, looking defeated.
I’ve never seen him look so dejected or lost. He’s always so sure of himself. He always knows exactly who he is and what he’s doing.
I feel like I’ve lost him tonight. He’s no longer the Nick I know and love.
“C’mon Nick. Let’s all get out of here.” Greg grips Nick’s shoulder as my hand slides over his arm, but he shakes us both off and walks away.
Without a word, he walks off down the hall and into the parking lot.
I know he doesn’t want me to follow him.
I screwed up. I lost his trust. I lost his love.
“It’s ok, Lenny.” Greg wraps his arm over me and rubs my shoulder. “He just needs a minute to relax.”
Tears are running down my face and my vision blurs as I watch the door Nick just walked out of.
“What do we do with this prick?” Luca asks from behind us, holding Jeremy in place against the wall.
Wiping my tears away, I get a hold of myself just enough to get Jeremy’s bag.
I don’t take the records out. I don’t want to see what other records he has. Who knows what other players he plans to hit?
Instead I shove the bag against his chest.
“Destroy them. All of them.” I threaten him. “Or I will get the dean involved and worse. I can destroy you if I need to.”
Jeremy angrily takes his bag and runs off in the opposite direction, back around to the other parking lot.
Luca whistles. “Fuck, Lenny. Remind me not to mess with you.”
He grunts as Greg elbows him in the gut.
“C’mon Lenny. Layla is waiting in the parking lot. You can get a ride with us.” Greg and Luca grab a few bags from inside the locker room and lead the way out.
“I didn’t tell him.” I blurt out as we all pile into Layla’s car.
As soon as we came out by the car, Layla ran over and pulled me into her arms. Her small frame wrapped tightly around me, squeezing out whatever is left inside me.
Luca and Greg silently piled in the back, giving me the front seat.
They both look at me and then look at each other as if they have no clue what I’m talking about.
“I didn’t tell Jeremy that stuff about Nick.” I try again, but Luca just shrugs.
“Nick didn’t really tell us what’s going on.” Greg offers a half smile.
“Did you cheat on him?” Luca asks.
“No!” I snap, turning around as much as I can to see him behind me. “I would never do that. I— “
I stop thinking of what I can say without betraying Nick’s trust.
“Jeremy found something out about Nick. But he needs to know it wasn’t through me.” My voice cracks as I struggle to keep my tears back.