“Do you want me to stay with you?” Layla pulls up to my house.

I shake my head. “No.”

“We heard some of your conversation in the hall before we came out.” Greg tries to reassure me. “I’m sure Nick knows. If not, we’ll tell him.”

“Thanks.” I try to smile at them, but it hurts to even try.

The next morning, I woke up alone, in Nick’s shirt.

I hoped he’d come crawling into bed with me like he’s done.

I tried calling him last night but his phone was off. I sent texts, but they were all unanswered.

Bridget stayed up with me for a few hours before we both got too tired.

And now I have to go home.

My flight is at eight so I can get home early to help with Christmas Eve dinner.

I jump up at a knock on my door, hoping it’s him. Hoping he’d come to say goodbye and tell me he believes me. Tell me that we’re still together and he still loves me.

“Lenny.” Bridget opens my door and peers in. She frowns after looking around. I think she thought she’d find Nick here too. But no such luck. “We can leave in a half hour if that’s ok?”

“Yeah that’s good.” I sigh and pull myself out of bed.

Thirty minutes gives me just enough time to shower and get ready.

“Do you want to stop at the Hockey House? Maybe he’s there?” Bridget offers as I climb into her car.

“No thanks.” I don’t want to show up for him to tell me in person. Maybe it’s better this way.

Maybe some time apart will be good.

Chapter 43


The driving range is closed and it reminds me of Lenny anyway. It’s not really somewhere I want to be right now.

I’ve been driving around aimlessly for hours trying to clear my head, but it still feels foggy. I don’t even know what to think anymore.

I end up back at the arena and let myself into the cold empty rink. Sitting in the middle of the ice, I lay flat, staring up at the open middle of the Jumbotron.

I don’t want it to be Lenny. I don’t want her to be the reason Jeremy knows about my surgery. But I’m blinded by the way I feel about her. My heart is blocking any sense my head could make.

How else could he have known?

Besides my family and me, Lenny is the only other person that knew. But it doesn’t add up.

The shocked look on her face when Jeremy questioned me. Their fight in the hallway. I think back to what I heard him say, but it’s all jumbled. He said something about fucking someone like the way she was fucking me. It doesn’t make any sense. Unless Lenny was fucking me just to get information.

Fuck, I love her so much. I want it to be real. I don’t know if any of it was. Was she just faking it to get a story?

I can’t believe it.

My heart’s not letting my head see the truth.

I don’t know what to believe anymore.